Идеальная библиотека для C-задротов, или тех кто здесь хотел динамику на C/C++:
Для Ъ:
/* Example libCello Program */
#include "Cello.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
/* Stack objects are created using "$" */
var int_item = $(Int, 5);
var float_item = $(Real, 2.4);
var string_item = $(String, "Hello");
/* Heap objects are created using "new" */
var items = new(List, int_item, float_item, string_item);
/* Collections can be looped over */
foreach (item in items) {
/* Types are also objects */
var type = type_of(item);
print("Object %$ has type %$\n", item, type);
/* Heap objects destroyed with "delete" */