считается что scheme был первым языком, который применил данное сомнительное решение. Однако это не совсем так, на самом деле, может кому интересно:
McDermott, and Sussman [1972] developed the Lisp-based language Conniver based on “hairy control structure” that could implement non-chronological backtracking that was more general than the chronological backtracking in Planner. However, Hewitt and others were skeptical of hairy control structure.
Pat Hayes remarked:
Their [Sussman and McDermott] solution, to give the user access to theimplementation primitives of Planner, is however, something of a retrograde step (what are Conniver's semantics?). [Hayes 1974]
Hewitt reported ...
we have found that we can do without the paraphernalia of «hairy control structure» (such as possibility lists, non-local gotos, and assignments of values to the internal variables of other procedures in CONNIVER.)... The conventions of ordinary messagepassing seem to provide a better structured, more intuitive foundation for constructing the communication systems needed for expert problem-solving modules to cooperate effectively.iv (emphasis in original)