pyqt5 + QPyDesignerTaskMenuExtension




Не работает, делаю по кальке с PyQt4. Что я делаю не так?

#!/usr/bin/env python



from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction 
from PyQt5.QtDesigner import (QDesignerFormWindowInterface, QExtensionFactory,
        QPyDesignerContainerExtension, QPyDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin,
        QPyDesignerPropertySheetExtension, QPyDesignerTaskMenuExtension)

from analogview import AnalogView

class GeoLocationMenuEntry(QPyDesignerTaskMenuExtension):

    def __init__(self, obj, parent):
        QPyDesignerTaskMenuExtension.__init__(self, parent)
        self.editStateAction = QAction('dddd', self)

    def preferredEditAction(self):
        return self.editStateAction

    def taskActions(self):
        return [self.editStateAction]

    def setPV(self):

class GeoLocationTaskMenuFactory(QExtensionFactory):

    def __init__(self, parent=None):

       QExtensionFactory.__init__(self, parent)

    def createExtension(self, obj, iid, parent):

        if iid != "com.trolltech.Qt.Designer.TaskMenu":
            return None

        if isinstance(obj, AnalogView):
            return GeoLocationMenuEntry(obj, parent)

        return None


class AnalogViewPlugin(QPyDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin):

    Provides a Python custom plugin for Qt Designer by implementing the
    QDesignerCustomWidgetPlugin via a PyQt-specific custom plugin class.

    # The __init__() method is only used to set up the plugin and define its
    # initialized variable.
    def __init__(self, parent=None):

        super(AnalogViewPlugin, self).__init__(parent)

        self.initialized = False

    def initialize(self, formEditor):

        if self.initialized:
        manager = formEditor.extensionManager()
        if manager:
            self.factory = GeoLocationTaskMenuFactory(manager)
            manager.registerExtensions(self.factory, "com.trolltech.Qt.Designer.TaskMenu")
        self.initialized = True

    def isInitialized(self):

        return self.initialized

    # This factory method creates new instances of our custom widget with the
    # appropriate parent.
    def createWidget(self, parent):
        widget = AnalogView(parent)
        # widget.setValue(1)
        return widget

    # This method returns the name of the custom widget class that is provided
    # by this plugin.
    def name(self):
        return "AnalogView"

    # Returns the name of the group in Qt Designer's widget box that this
    # widget belongs to.
    def group(self):
        return "SCADA"

    # Returns the icon used to represent the custom widget in Qt Designer's
    # widget box.
    def icon(self):
        return QIcon()

    # Returns a short description of the custom widget for use in a tool tip.
    def toolTip(self):
        return ""

    # Returns a short description of the custom widget for use in a "What's
    # This?" help message for the widget.
    def whatsThis(self):
        return ""

    # Returns True if the custom widget acts as a container for other widgets;
    # otherwise returns False. Note that plugins for custom containers also
    # need to provide an implementation of the QDesignerContainerExtension
    # interface if they need to add custom editing support to Qt Designer.
    def isContainer(self):
        return False

    # Returns an XML description of a custom widget instance that describes
    # default values for its properties. Each custom widget created by this
    # plugin will be configured using this description.
    def domXml(self):
        return '<widget class="AnalogView" name="analogView" />\n'

    # Returns the module containing the custom widget class. It may include
    # a module path.
    def includeFile(self):
        return "analogview"

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