Тупняк из цикла «я познаю Git».
$ git log --graph --full-history --all --pretty=format:"%h%x09%d%x20%s"
* c7a9e55 (HEAD -> master, tag: 0.0.2, origin/master, origin/HEAD) fixed microphone position again
* c002049 the 7th summator has been deleted
* 18b4041 fixed microphone position
| * 7844ca2 (origin/controller_test, controller_test) added cyclic polling
| * 76dec1b added summator counting
| * 1e64d9e mic state refactoring
| * 429bb32 mic state logging refactoring
| * 2aeaed7 some logging refactoring
| * a3dbe93 added ayncio.open_connection example
| * 517c45e added .vscode folder to .gitingnore
| * 6f9bd59 some ipc and d12 tests
* 7ca9b68 (tag: 0.0.1) init project in current state
Как синхронизировать теперь ветку controller_test, приняв fix-ы из master?