GNU/MIT Scheme



Интересно, существует ли компилятор для данной реализации в нативный код под *nix?

Есть компиляция в байт код. Работает. Есть в си код. Как компилить дальше увы не совсем понятно, ибо gcc его не берёт.

Что можно посоветовать?

То есть, у тебя есть сишный код, компилятор его "не берет" и ты всерьез рассчитываешь, что тебе ответят без оскорблений на подобный вопрос?

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

> А какая схема не труп по вашему?

plt (mzscheme)

Ответ на: комментарий от Sphinx

>ПЛТ, Икарус, Биглу. Да очень многие. Главное не GNU/MIT.

А что в gnu/mit такое плохое? Я серьезно не в курсе, недавно начал смотреть на схему, и как-то не понимаю ещё всего.

Ответ на: комментарий от Begemoth

а ты глянь, много ли народа ему ответило по теме? выходит, что некому что-либо сказать - может ему, все-таки, задать, наконец, вопрос? скажем, привести конкретно жалобы gcc, еще детали какие-нибудь...

Ответ на: комментарий от unnamed

Код на схеме предельно прост. (как пример того, что несколько не работает)
(display "hello")

Код в си компилелся следующим образом
mit-scheme-c --compiler
(cf "main.scm")
Код на си
gcc main.c

Изначально не хотел выкладывать всё это из-за объёма, предпологая, что компилить этот сишный код надо чем-то другим, или с особенными ключиками.

Теперь сишный код:
/* Emacs: this is -*- C -*- code, */
/* generated 2009-01-19T23:55:02+0300 by Liar version UNKNOWN. */

#include "liarc.h"

#define LABEL_1_4 3
#define LABEL_1_6 5
#define LABEL_1_5 7
#define LABEL_1_7 9
#define LABEL_1_11 11
#define LABEL_1_9 13
#define ENVIRONMENT_LABEL_1_3 29
#define DEBUGGING_LABEL_1_2 28
#define OBJECT_1_0 27
#define EXECUTE_CACHE_1_15 15
#define EXECUTE_CACHE_1_14 17
#define EXECUTE_CACHE_1_13 19
#define EXECUTE_CACHE_1_12 21
#define EXECUTE_CACHE_1_10 23
#define EXECUTE_CACHE_1_8 25


main_so_code_1 (SCHEME_OBJECT * Rpc, entry_count_t dispatch_base)
SCHEME_OBJECT * current_block;
machine_word Wrd8;
machine_word Wrd5;
machine_word Wrd16;
machine_word Wrd15;
machine_word Wrd14;
machine_word Wrd13;
machine_word Wrd10;
machine_word Wrd7;

goto perform_dispatch;

DEFLABEL (pop_return)
Rpc = (OBJECT_ADDRESS (* (Rsp++)));

DEFLABEL (perform_dispatch)
switch ((* ((unsigned long *) Rpc)) - dispatch_base)
case 0:
current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_1_4);
goto main_6;

case 1:
current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_1_6);
goto continuation_1;

case 2:
current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_1_5);
goto continuation_2;

case 3:
current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_1_7);
goto continuation_0;

case 4:
current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_1_11);
goto continuation_4;

case 5:
current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_1_9);
goto continuation_3;

return (Rpc);

DEFLABEL (main_9)
DEFLABEL (main_6)
(Wrd7.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_1_5]))));
(* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd7.Obj);
(Wrd10.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_1_6]))));
(* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd10.Obj);
(Wrd13.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_1_7]))));
(* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd13.Obj);
(Wrd14.Obj) = (Rsp [3]);
(* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd14.Obj);
JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_1_8]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_0)
(* (--Rsp)) = Rvl;
JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_1_13]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_1)
if (! (Rvl == ((SCHEME_OBJECT) 0)))
goto label_11;
(Wrd15.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_1_9]))));
(* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd15.Obj);
(Wrd16.Obj) = (Rsp [2]);
(* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd16.Obj);
JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_1_10]));

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от ryukzak

DEFLABEL (continuation_3) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_1_9); (* (--Rsp)) = Rvl; JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_1_15]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_2) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_1_5); (Wrd5.Obj) = Rvl;

DEFLABEL (label_10) (Rsp [0]) = (Wrd5.Obj); (Wrd8.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_1_11])))); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd8.Obj); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd5.Obj); JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_1_12]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_4) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_1_11); (Rsp [0]) = Rvl; JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_1_14]));

DEFLABEL (label_11) (Wrd5.Obj) = (current_block [OBJECT_1_0]); Rsp = (& (Rsp [1])); goto label_10;


#endif /* !WANT_ONLY_DATA */ #define LABEL_2_4 3 #define LABEL_2_5 5 #define LABEL_2_7 7 #define LABEL_2_8 9 #define LABEL_2_10 11 #define LABEL_2_11 13 #define ENVIRONMENT_LABEL_2_3 26 #define DEBUGGING_LABEL_2_2 25 #define OBJECT_2_1 24 #define OBJECT_2_0 23 #define EXECUTE_CACHE_2_13 15 #define EXECUTE_CACHE_2_12 17 #define EXECUTE_CACHE_2_9 19 #define EXECUTE_CACHE_2_6 21 #define FREE_REFERENCES_LABEL_2_0 14 #define NUMBER_OF_LINKER_SECTIONS_2_1 1


static SCHEME_OBJECT * main_so_code_2 (SCHEME_OBJECT * Rpc, entry_count_t dispatch_base) { SCHEME_OBJECT * current_block; DECLARE_VARIABLES (); SCHEME_OBJECT * Rdl; machine_word Wrd12; machine_word Wrd10; machine_word Wrd16; machine_word Wrd15; machine_word Wrd14; machine_word Wrd11; machine_word Wrd9; machine_word Wrd8; machine_word Wrd7; INVOKE_INTERFACE_DECLS

Rdl = (OBJECT_ADDRESS (Rvl)); goto perform_dispatch;

DEFLABEL (pop_return) Rpc = (OBJECT_ADDRESS (* (Rsp++)));

DEFLABEL (perform_dispatch) switch ((* ((unsigned long *) Rpc)) - dispatch_base) { case 0: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_2_4); goto fib_5;

case 1: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_2_5); goto continuation_0;

case 2: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_2_7); goto continuation_2;

case 3: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_2_8); goto continuation_1;

case 4: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_2_10); goto continuation_4;

case 5: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_2_11); goto continuation_3;

default: UNCACHE_VARIABLES (); return (Rpc); }

() автор топика

DEFLABEL (fib_8) DEFLABEL (fib_5) INTERRUPT_CHECK (26, LABEL_2_4); (Wrd7.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_2_5])))); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd7.Obj); (Wrd8.Obj) = (current_block [OBJECT_2_0]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd8.Obj); (Wrd9.Obj) = (Rsp [2]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd9.Obj); JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_2_6]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_0) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_2_5); if (Rvl == ((SCHEME_OBJECT) 0)) goto label_9; Rvl = (current_block [OBJECT_2_1]); Rsp = (& (Rsp [1])); goto pop_return;

DEFLABEL (label_9) (Wrd11.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_2_7])))); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd11.Obj); (Wrd14.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_2_8])))); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd14.Obj); (Wrd15.Obj) = (current_block [OBJECT_2_1]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd15.Obj); (Wrd16.Obj) = (Rsp [3]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd16.Obj); JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_2_9]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_1) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_2_8); (* (--Rsp)) = Rvl; JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_2_12]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_2) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_2_7); (* (--Rsp)) = Rvl; (Wrd7.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_2_10])))); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd7.Obj); (Wrd10.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_2_11])))); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd10.Obj); (Wrd11.Obj) = (current_block [OBJECT_2_0]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd11.Obj); (Wrd12.Obj) = (Rsp [4]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd12.Obj); JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_2_9]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_3) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_2_11); (* (--Rsp)) = Rvl; JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_2_12]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_4) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_2_10); (Rsp [1]) = Rvl; JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_2_13]));


#endif /* !WANT_ONLY_DATA */ #define LABEL_6 3 #define LABEL_4 5 #define LABEL_5 7 #define LABEL_9 9 #define LABEL_11 11 #define LABEL_12 13 #define LABEL_13 15 #define ENVIRONMENT_LABEL_3 32 #define DEBUGGING_LABEL_2 31 #define PURIFICATION_ROOT 30 #define OBJECT_2 29 #define OBJECT_1 28 #define OBJECT_0 27 #define EXECUTE_CACHE_10 17 #define EXECUTE_CACHE_7 19 #define FREE_REFERENCE_1 22 #define FREE_REFERENCE_0 23 #define GLOBAL_EXECUTE_CACHE_8 25 #define FREE_REFERENCES_LABEL_0 16 #define NUMBER_OF_LINKER_SECTIONS_1 3


SCHEME_OBJECT * main_so_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2 (SCHEME_OBJECT * Rpc, entry_count_t dispatch_base) { SCHEME_OBJECT * current_block; DECLARE_VARIABLES (); SCHEME_OBJECT * Rdl; machine_word Wrd10; machine_word Wrd9; machine_word Wrd7; machine_word Wrd6; machine_word Wrd12; machine_word Wrd17; machine_word Wrd16; machine_word Wrd13; machine_word Wrd11; machine_word Wrd8; machine_word Wrd5; INVOKE_INTERFACE_DECLS

Rdl = (OBJECT_ADDRESS (Rvl)); goto perform_dispatch;

DEFLABEL (pop_return) Rpc = (OBJECT_ADDRESS (* (Rsp++)));

DEFLABEL (perform_dispatch) switch ((* ((unsigned long *) Rpc)) - dispatch_base) { case 0: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_6); goto label_4;

case 1: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_4); goto continuation_1;

case 2: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_5); goto continuation_0;

case 3: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_9); goto label_5;

case 4: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_11); goto label_8;

case 5: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_12); goto label_9;

case 6: current_block = (Rpc - LABEL_13); goto expression_3;

default: UNCACHE_VARIABLES (); return (Rpc); }

DEFLABEL (expression_3) (current_block [ENVIRONMENT_LABEL_3]) = (Rrb [REGBLOCK_ENV]); INVOKE_INTERFACE_4 (23, (& (current_block [LABEL_12])), current_block, (& (current_block [FREE_REFERENCES_LABEL_0])), NUMBER_OF_LINKER_SECTIONS_1);

DEFLABEL (label_9) (* (--Rsp)) = (ULONG_TO_FIXNUM (1UL));

DEFLABEL (label_8) { static const short sections [] = { 0, 1, 1 }; unsigned long counter = (OBJECT_DATUM (* Rsp)); SCHEME_OBJECT blocks; SCHEME_OBJECT * sub_block; short section; if (counter > 2) goto label_7; blocks = (current_block [OBJECT_2]); sub_block = (OBJECT_ADDRESS (MEMORY_REF (blocks, counter))); (sub_block [(OBJECT_DATUM (sub_block [0]))]) = (Rrb [REGBLOCK_ENV]); section = (sections [counter]); (* Rsp) = (ULONG_TO_FIXNUM (counter + 1)); INVOKE_INTERFACE_4 (23, (& (current_block [LABEL_11])), sub_block, (sub_block + (2 + (OBJECT_DATUM (sub_block [1])))), section); }

DEFLABEL (label_7) Rsp += 1; (Wrd5.Obj) = (Rrb [3]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd5.Obj); (Wrd8.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_4])))); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd8.Obj); (Wrd11.Obj) = (MAKE_POINTER_OBJECT (40, (& (current_block [LABEL_5])))); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd11.Obj); (Wrd13.pObj) = ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [FREE_REFERENCE_0])); (Wrd16.Obj) = ((Wrd13.pObj) [0]); (Wrd17.uLng) = (OBJECT_TYPE (Wrd16.Obj)); if ((Wrd17.uLng) == 50) goto label_13; Wrd12 = Wrd16;

DEFLABEL (label_12) (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd12.Obj); JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_7]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_0) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_5); (* (--Rsp)) = Rvl; (Wrd6.pObj) = ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [FREE_REFERENCE_1])); (Wrd9.Obj) = ((Wrd6.pObj) [0]); (Wrd10.uLng) = (OBJECT_TYPE (Wrd9.Obj)); if ((Wrd10.uLng) == 50) goto label_11; Wrd5 = Wrd9;

DEFLABEL (label_10) (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd5.Obj); JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [EXECUTE_CACHE_10]));

DEFLABEL (continuation_1) INTERRUPT_CHECK (27, LABEL_4); (Wrd5.Obj) = (current_block [OBJECT_0]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd5.Obj); (Wrd6.Obj) = (Rsp [1]); (* (--Rsp)) = (Wrd6.Obj); (Wrd7.Obj) = (current_block [OBJECT_1]); (Rsp [2]) = (Wrd7.Obj); JUMP ((SCHEME_OBJECT *) (current_block [GLOBAL_EXECUTE_CACHE_8]));

DEFLABEL (label_11) INVOKE_INTERFACE_2 (31, (& (current_block [LABEL_9])), (Wrd6.pObj));

DEFLABEL (label_5) (Wrd5.Obj) = Rvl; goto label_10;

DEFLABEL (label_13) INVOKE_INTERFACE_2 (31, (& (current_block [LABEL_6])), (Wrd13.pObj));

DEFLABEL (label_4) (Wrd12.Obj) = Rvl; goto label_12;


static const struct liarc_code_S arr_decl_main_so_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2 [2] = { { "main_so_code_1", 6, main_so_code_1 }, { "main_so_code_2", 6, main_so_code_2 } };

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от ryukzak

int decl_main_so_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2 (void) { DECLARE_SUBCODE_MULTIPLE (arr_decl_main_so_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2); return (0); }

DECLARE_COMPILED_CODE ("", 7, decl_main_so_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2, main_so_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2)

#endif /* !WANT_ONLY_DATA */ #ifndef WANT_ONLY_CODE

static const unsigned char prog_main_so_data_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2 [388] = "\x21\x05\x6f\x1d\x0c\xb8\x0d\x1d\xb0\x81\x88\x02\x28\x0d\x28\x0d" "\x28\x0d\xb9\x28\x0d\x28\x0d\x28\x0d\x23\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29" "\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29\x21\x17\x2b\xba\x1d\xb0\x82\x88\x81\x82" "\x28\x0d\x28\x0d\x28\xb1\x28\x0d\x23\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22" "\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29\x21\x17\x2b\xb8\x99\xbb\x88\xb3\xb0\x2a\xb2" "\x2a\x99\xb1\x0d\xbb\x99\x28\x0d\x26\xb3\xb1\x24\x28\xb3\x28\x0d" "\x23\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29\x22\x29\x21" "\x17\x02\x32\x2f\x55\x73\x65\x72\x73\x2f\x72\x79\x75\x6b\x7a\x61" "\x6b\x2f\x44\x6f\x63\x75\x6d\x65\x6e\x74\x73\x2f\x73\x72\x63\x2f" "\x73\x63\x68\x65\x6d\x65\x2f\x74\x65\x73\x74\x2f\x6d\x61\x69\x6e" "\x2e\x69\x6e\x66\x15\x23\x5b\x70\x75\x72\x69\x66\x69\x63\x61\x74" "\x69\x6f\x6e\x2d\x72\x6f\x6f\x74\x5d\x02\x15\x03\x04\x63\x64\x72" "\x03\x05\x63\x61\x64\x72\x03\x04\x66\x69\x62\x03\x06\x6e\x75\x6c" "\x6c\x3f\x03\x06\x70\x72\x69\x6e\x74\x03\x10\x73\x74\x72\x69\x6e" "\x67\x2d\x3e\x69\x6e\x74\x65\x67\x65\x72\x07\x0d\x0e\x81\x85\x02" "\x0c\x0c\x81\x83\x02\x0b\x0a\x81\x87\x02\x0a\x08\x81\x83\x02\x09" "\x06\x81\x85\x02\x08\x04\x83\x04\x0d\x1e\x02\x04\x04\x3c\x66\x78" "\x04\x04\x2d\x66\x78\x03\x04\x04\x2b\x66\x78\x05\x13\x0e\x81\x87" "\x02\x12\x0c\x81\x85\x02\x11\x0a\x81\x85\x02\x10\x08\x81\x83\x02" "\x0f\x06\x81\x83\x02\x0e\x04\x83\x04\x0d\x1b\x04\x04\x05\x6d\x61" "\x69\x6e\x05\x10\x64\x65\x66\x69\x6e\x65\x2d\x6d\x75\x6c\x74\x69" "\x70\x6c\x65\x02\x03\x03\x04\x07\x6d\x6f\x64\x75\x6c\x65\x03\x07" "\x10\x80\x80\x04\x06\x0e\x81\x81\x02\x05\x0c\x81\x81\x02\x04\x0a" "\x81\x87\x02\x03\x08\x81\x85\x02\x02\x06\x81\x83\x02\x01\x04\x81" "\x87\x02\x0f\x21";

SCHEME_OBJECT * main_so_data_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2 (entry_count_t dispatch_base) { SCHEME_OBJECT ccb; SCHEME_OBJECT * current_block; DECLARE_VARIABLES_FOR_DATA ();

ccb = (unstackify (((unsigned char *) (& (prog_main_so_data_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2 [0]))), (sizeof (prog_main_so_data_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2)), dispatch_base)); current_block = (OBJECT_ADDRESS (ccb)); return (& (current_block [LABEL_13])); }

DECLARE_COMPILED_DATA_NS ("", main_so_data_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2)

#endif /* !WANT_ONLY_CODE */


() автор топика

Ну а теперь вывод ошибки.

main.c:4:19: error: liarc.h: No such file or directory main.c:26: error: syntax error before '*' token main.c:27: error: syntax error before '*' token main.c: In function 'main_so_code_1': main.c:29: error: 'SCHEME_OBJECT' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:29: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once main.c:29: error: for each function it appears in.) main.c:29: error: 'current_block' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:31: error: 'Rdl' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:32: error: 'machine_word' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:32: error: syntax error before 'Wrd8' main.c:42: error: 'INVOKE_INTERFACE_DECLS' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:45: error: 'pop_return' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:46: error: syntax error before 'Rpc' main.c:48: error: 'perform_dispatch' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:49: error: syntax error before 'switch' main.c:55: error: case label not within a switch statement main.c:56: error: 'Rpc' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:59: error: case label not within a switch statement main.c:63: error: case label not within a switch statement main.c:67: error: case label not within a switch statement main.c:71: error: case label not within a switch statement main.c:75: error: 'default' label not within a switch statement main.c:73: error: label 'continuation_3' used but not defined main.c:69: error: label 'continuation_4' used but not defined main.c:65: error: label 'continuation_0' used but not defined main.c:61: error: label 'continuation_2' used but not defined main.c:57: error: label 'continuation_1' used but not defined main.c:53: error: label 'main_6' used but not defined main.c:43: error: label 'perform_dispatch' used but not defined main.c: At top level: main.c:81: error: syntax error before 'DEFLABEL' main.c:82: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK' main.c:82: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:83: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:84: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:85: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:86: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:87: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:88: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:89: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:90: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:91: error: syntax error before '(' token main.c:91: error: syntax error before '[' token main.c:94: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK' main.c:94: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:95: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:96: error: syntax error before '(' token main.c:96: error: syntax error before '[' token main.c:99: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK' main.c:99: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:102: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:103: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:104: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:105: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:106: error: syntax error before '(' token main.c:106: error: syntax error before '[' token main.c:109: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK' main.c:109: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:110: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:111: error: syntax error before '(' token main.c:111: error: syntax error before '[' token main.c:114: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK' main.c:114: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:115: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:118: error: syntax error before '[' token main.c:118: error: 'DEFLABEL' declared as function returning a function main.c:118: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration main.c:118: error: function 'DEFLABEL' is initialized like a variable main.c:118: error: 'Wrd5' undeclared here (not in a function) main.c:118: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:119: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:120: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:121: error: syntax error before '--' token main.c:122: error: syntax error before '(' token main.c:122: error: syntax error before '[' token main.c:125: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK' main.c:125: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:126: error: 'Rvl' undeclared here (not in a function) main.c:126: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:127: error: syntax error before '(' token main.c:127: error: syntax error before '[' token main.c:130: error: syntax error before '.' token main.c:130: error: 'DEFLABEL' declared as function returning a function main.c:130: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration main.c:130: error: function 'DEFLABEL' is initialized like a variable main.c:130: error: 'current_block' undeclared here (not in a function) main.c:130: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:131: error: conflicting types for 'Rsp' main.c:126: error: previous definition of 'Rsp' was here main.c:131: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer main.c:131: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:132: error: syntax error before 'goto' main.c:162: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:163: error: syntax error before '*' token main.c:163: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:164: error: syntax error before 'Wrd12' main.c:164: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:165: error: syntax error before 'Wrd10' main.c:165: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:166: error: syntax error before 'Wrd16' main.c:166: warning: data definition has no type or storage class main.c:167: error: syntax error before 'Wrd15'

() автор топика

main.c:167: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:168: error: syntax error before 'Wrd14'
main.c:168: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:169: error: syntax error before 'Wrd11'
main.c:169: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:170: error: syntax error before 'Wrd9'
main.c:170: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:171: error: syntax error before 'Wrd8'
main.c:171: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:172: error: syntax error before 'Wrd7'
main.c:172: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:175: error: syntax error before 'Rdl'
main.c:175: error: conflicting types for 'Rdl'
main.c:163: error: previous declaration of 'Rdl' was here
main.c:175: error: initializer element is not constant
main.c:175: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:176: error: syntax error before 'goto'
main.c:179: error: syntax error before 'Rpc'
main.c:179: error: invalid type argument of 'unary *'
main.c:179: error: initializer element is not constant
main.c:179: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:182: error: syntax error before 'switch'
main.c:214: error: syntax error before 'DEFLABEL'
main.c:215: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK'
main.c:215: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:216: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:217: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:218: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:219: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:220: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:221: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:222: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:222: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:225: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK'
main.c:225: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:228: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:229: error: conflicting types for 'Rsp'
main.c:126: error: previous definition of 'Rsp' was here
main.c:229: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer
main.c:229: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:230: error: syntax error before 'goto'
main.c:233: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:233: error: 'DEFLABEL' declared as function returning a function
main.c:233: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
main.c:233: error: function 'DEFLABEL' is initialized like a variable
main.c:233: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:234: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:235: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:236: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:237: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:238: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:239: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:240: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:241: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:241: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:244: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK'
main.c:244: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:245: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:246: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:246: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:249: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK'
main.c:249: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:250: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:251: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:252: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:253: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:254: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:255: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:256: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:257: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:258: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:259: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:259: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:262: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK'
main.c:262: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:263: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:264: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:264: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:267: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK'
main.c:267: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:268: error: conflicting types for 'Rsp'
main.c:126: error: previous definition of 'Rsp' was here
main.c:268: error: invalid initializer
main.c:268: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:269: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:269: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:303: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:304: error: syntax error before '*' token
main.c:304: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:305: error: syntax error before 'Wrd10'
main.c:305: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:306: error: syntax error before 'Wrd9'
main.c:306: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:307: error: syntax error before 'Wrd7'
main.c:307: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:308: error: syntax error before 'Wrd6'
main.c:308: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:309: error: syntax error before 'Wrd12'
main.c:309: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:310: error: syntax error before 'Wrd17'
main.c:310: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:311: error: syntax error before 'Wrd16'
main.c:311: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:312: error: syntax error before 'Wrd13'
main.c:312: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:313: error: syntax error before 'Wrd11'
main.c:313: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:314: error: syntax error before 'Wrd8'

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от ryukzak

main.c:314: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:315: error: syntax error before 'Wrd5'
main.c:315: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:318: error: syntax error before 'Rdl'
main.c:318: error: conflicting types for 'Rdl'
main.c:304: error: previous declaration of 'Rdl' was here
main.c:318: error: initializer element is not constant
main.c:318: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:319: error: syntax error before 'goto'
main.c:322: error: syntax error before 'Rpc'
main.c:322: error: redefinition of 'Rpc'
main.c:179: error: previous definition of 'Rpc' was here
main.c:322: error: wrong type argument to increment
main.c:322: error: initializer element is not constant
main.c:322: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:325: error: syntax error before 'switch'
main.c:361: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:361: error: 'DEFLABEL' declared as function returning a function
main.c:361: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
main.c:361: error: function 'DEFLABEL' is initialized like a variable
main.c:361: error: 'Rrb' undeclared here (not in a function)
main.c:361: error: 'REGBLOCK_ENV' undeclared here (not in a function)
main.c:361: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:362: error: syntax error before numeric constant
main.c:365: error: syntax error before '*' token
main.c: In function 'DEFLABEL':
main.c:376: error: 'SCHEME_OBJECT' undeclared (first use in this function)
main.c:376: error: syntax error before 'blocks'
main.c:377: error: 'sub_block' undeclared (first use in this function)
main.c:381: error: 'blocks' undeclared (first use in this function)
main.c:380: error: label 'label_7' used but not defined
main.c: At top level:
main.c:390: error: syntax error before 'Rsp'
main.c:391: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:392: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:393: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:394: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:395: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:396: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:397: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:398: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:399: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:402: error: initializer element is not constant
main.c:402: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:405: error: syntax error before '*' token
main.c:406: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:406: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:409: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK'
main.c:409: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:410: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:411: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:412: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:413: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:416: error: initializer element is not constant
main.c:416: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:419: error: syntax error before '*' token
main.c:420: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:420: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:423: error: syntax error before 'INTERRUPT_CHECK'
main.c:423: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:424: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:425: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:426: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:427: error: syntax error before '--' token
main.c:428: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:429: error: conflicting types for 'Rsp'
main.c:126: error: previous definition of 'Rsp' was here
main.c:429: error: request for member 'Obj' in something not a structure or union
main.c:429: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:430: error: syntax error before '(' token
main.c:430: error: syntax error before '[' token
main.c:433: error: syntax error before 'INVOKE_INTERFACE_2'
main.c:436: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:436: error: 'DEFLABEL' declared as function returning a function
main.c:436: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
main.c:436: error: function 'DEFLABEL' is initialized like a variable
main.c:436: error: invalid initializer
main.c:436: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:437: error: syntax error before 'goto'
main.c:440: error: syntax error before 'INVOKE_INTERFACE_2'
main.c:443: error: syntax error before '.' token
main.c:443: error: 'DEFLABEL' declared as function returning a function
main.c:443: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
main.c:443: error: function 'DEFLABEL' is initialized like a variable
main.c:443: error: invalid initializer
main.c:443: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
main.c:444: error: syntax error before 'goto'
main.c: In function 'decl_main_so_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2':
main.c:458: error: 'arr_decl_main_so_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2' undeclared (first use in this function)
main.c: At top level:
main.c:462: error: syntax error before string constant
main.c: In function 'DECLARE_COMPILED_CODE':
main.c:468: error: storage class specified for parameter 'prog_main_so_data_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2'
main.c:468: error: parameter 'prog_main_so_data_f4e1c01ed6ded6f2' is initialized
main.c:495: error: syntax error before 'SCHEME_OBJECT'

() автор топика

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