1) есть прога, которая с помощью ИмаджМаджика дергает и выводит яркости пикселов на стдаут: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <magick/api.h> int main(int argc,char **argv) { ExceptionInfo exception; Image *image; ImageInfo *image_info; PixelPacket *pixels; ViewInfo *vinfo; // Initialize the image info structure and read an image. InitializeMagick(*argv); GetExceptionInfo(&exception); image_info=CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) NULL); (void) strcpy(image_info->filename,"image.gif"); image=ReadImage(image_info,&exception); if (image == (Image *) NULL) { // print out something to let us know we are missing the // delegates.mgk or whatever if that is the problem instead of just // saying the file can't be loaded later fprintf(stderr, "readFileMagick: %s: %s\n", exception.reason,exception.description); // MagickError(exception.severity,exception.reason,exception.description); // Get here if we can't decipher the file, let caller handle it. return -1; } // Set the data size to accomodate this new image. // width = image->columns; // height = image->rows; // This is the method for reading pixels that compiles and works, // as opposed to GetImagePixels or GetOnePixel, which wouldn't compile. vinfo = OpenCacheView(image); pixels = GetCacheView(vinfo, 0,0,image->columns,image->rows); if(!pixels) { fprintf(stderr, "readFileMagick: unable to get pixel cache.\n"); return(-1); } int i,j; for (j=0; j<image->rows; j++) { for (i=0; i < image->columns; i++) { // data ranges 0 to 256 // Swap data vertically, to match NM convention. // file_data[j*width*3+i*3+0]= printf("%d ",(int)pixels[i + image->columns*j].blue); // file_data[j*image->columns*3+i*3+1]= printf("%d ",(int)pixels[i + image->columns*j].green); // file_data[j*image->columns*3+i*3+2]= printf("%d \n",(int)pixels[i + image->columns*j].red); } } // printf("%d \n",strlen(pixels)); CloseCacheView(vinfo); DestroyImageInfo(image_info); DestroyImage(image); return(0); } компиляется [vilfred@mobile100 Test]$ gcc `Magick-config --cflags --cppflags` test.c `Magick-config --ldflags --libs` test.c: In function `main': test.c:20: warning: implicit declaration of function `strcpy' [vilfred@mobile100 Test]$ В чем же может быть проблема?? 2) Таже самая прога но на XS: #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include <math.h> #include <magick/api.h> #include "ppport.h" #define PackageName "MMM" MODULE = MMM PACKAGE = MMM PROTOTYPES: DISABLE BOOT: InitializeMagick(PackageName); int pixs(int l) INIT: ExceptionInfo exception; Image *image; ImageInfo *info, *image_info; PixelPacket *pixels; ViewInfo *vinfo; CODE: GetExceptionInfo(&exception); printf("one\n"); strcpy(image_info->filename,"image.gif"); printf("one\n"); image=ReadImage(image_info,&exception); printf("one\n"); RETVAL = l; OUTPUT: RETVAL [vilfred@mobile100 MMM]$ perl x.pl one one perl: constitute.c:2609: ReadImage: Assertion `image_info->signature == 0xabacadabUL' failed. Aborted [vilfred@mobile100 MMM]$ При поптыке втупую скопировать ReadImage метод из Magick.xs вылетает на package_info... Вобщем, почему-то не XS не работает, почему - я понять не могу :(

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