

A gtk.TreeView widget is used to display the contents of any model implementing the gtk.Treemodel interface. The tree models provided standard with GTK+ and PyGTK are:

    * gtk.ListStore
    * gtk.TreeStore
    * gtk.TreeModelSort

In addition, PyGTK provides gtk.GenericTreeModel that allows you to create your own tree model entirely in Python.

The gtk.TreeView uses columns and cell renderers to actually display the model information. GTK+ and PyGTK provides the gtk.TreeViewColumn to manage the display of a column and the following cell renderers:

    * gtk.CellRendererPixbuf
    * gtk.CellRendererText
    * gtk.CellRendererToggle

In addition, PyGTK provides the gtk.GenericCellRenderer that allows you to create your own cell renderers entirely in Python.

Есть еще gtk.CList, устаревший, но пользоваться можно.


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TabPage - такая шняга примерно как скажем в FireFox новая вкладка.

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