MDK 10.0/2.6.3, установлены nvidia-6111 Перекомпилил ядро с поддержкой win4lin. Перезагружаюсь - иксы не грузятся. Ладно. Пытаюст ставить заново дрова - не встают. cat /var/log/nvidia-installer.log: nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' creation time: Tue Mar 22 01:08:21 2005 option status: license pre-accepted : false update : false force update : false expert : false uninstall : false driver info : false no precompiled interface: false no ncurses color : false query latest driver ver : false OpenGL header files : false no questions : false silent : false X install prefix : /usr/X11R6 OpenGL install prefix : /usr Installer install prefix: /usr kernel source path : (not specified) kernel install path : (not specified) proc mount point : /proc ui : (not specified) tmpdir : /root/tmp ftp site : Using: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface -> License accepted. -> There appears to already be a driver installed on your system (version: 1.0- 6111). As part of installing this driver (version: 1.0-6111), the existing driver will be uninstalled. Are you sure you want to continue? ('no' will a bort installation) (Answer: Yes) -> No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; would you li ke the installer to attempt to download a kernel interface for your kernel f rom the NVIDIA ftp site ( (Answer: No) -> No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; this means that the installer will need to compile a new kernel interface. -> Kernel source path: '/lib/modules/2.6.3-7my/build' -> Performing cc_version_check with CC="cc". -> Performing rivafb check. -> Performing rivafb module check. WARNING: Your kernel was configured to include rivafb support as a loadable kernel module. The rivafb driver conflicts with the NVIDIA driver; the NVIDIA kernel module will still be built and installed, but be aware that the NVIDIA driver will not be able to function properly if the rivafb module is loaded!

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