Сделать красивый вывод diff




Надо пословно сравнить 2 файла (использую difflib) и вывести удобочитаемый вариант. Пробовал по-разному, но все не так.

Возьмем, скажем файлы со следующим содержимым.

context and numlines are both optional keyword arguments. Set context to True when contextual differences are to be shown, else the default is False to show the full files. numlines defaults to 5. When context is True numlines controls the number of context lines which surround the difference highlights. When context is False numlines controls the number of lines which are shown before a difference highlight when using the “next” hyperlinks (setting to zero would cause the “next” hyperlinks to place the next difference highlight at the top of the browser without any leading context).

context and numlines are both compulsory excellent keyword arguments. Set numlines to False when text differences are to be shown, else the default is True (Fig. 5) to show the full files. numlines defaults to 50. When context is True numlines controls the number of context lines (100500) which surround the difference highlights. When context is True numlines controls the number of lines which are shown before a difference light when using the “next” hyperlinks (setting to zero would cause the “next” hyperlinks to place the next difference highlight at the top of the browser without any leading context).

1. Вывод в html.

f1 = open('4','r')
f2 = open('5','r')
text1 =' ')
text2 =' ')

diff = difflib.HtmlDiff().make_file(text1, text2)
print diff
Получается следующее. В принципе, нормально, однако, не нравится то, что колонки узкие (а ведь текст может быть длинным), а кодировка задается как ISO-8859-1, а не UTF-8.

2. Вывод как текст с помощью compare

d = difflib.Differ()
result = list(, text2))

Получается следующее:

  context  and  numlines  are  both- optional+ compulsory+ excellent  keyword  arguments.  Set- context+ numlines  to- True+ False  when- contextual+ text  differences  are  to  be  shown,  else  the  default  is- False+ True+ (Fig.+ 5)  to  show  the  full  files.  numlines  defaults  to- 5.+ 50.?  +
  When  context  is  True  numlines  controls  the  number  of  context  lines+ (100500)  which  surround  the  difference  highlights.  When  context  is- False+ True  numlines  controls  the  number  of  lines  which  are  shown  before  a  difference- highlight+ light  when  using  the  “next”  hyperlinks  (setting  to  zero  would  cause  the  “next”  hyperlinks  to  place  the  next  difference  highlight  at  the  top  of  the  browser  without  any  leading  context).
Тоже читаемо, однако сравните, насколько лучше выглядит результат после wdiff:
context and numlines are both [-optional-] {+compulsory excellent+} keyword arguments. Set [-context-] {+numlines+} to [-True-] {+False+} when [-contextual-] {+text+} differences are to be shown, else the default is [-False-] {+True (Fig. 5)+} to show the full files. numlines defaults to [-5.-] {+50.+} When context is True numlines controls the number of context lines {+(100500)+} which surround the difference highlights. When context is [-False-] {+True+} numlines controls the number of lines which are shown before a difference [-highlight-] {+light+} when using the “next” hyperlinks (setting to zero would cause the “next” hyperlinks to place the next difference highlight at the top of the browser without any leading context).
(Но мне не хочется прибегать к внешним программам) Можете также сравнить с примером из доков python:
    1. Beautiful is better than ugly.
-   2. Explicit is better than implicit.
-   3. Simple is better than complex.
+   3.   Simple is better than complex.
?     ++
-   4. Complex is better than complicated.
?            ^                     ---- ^
+   4. Complicated is better than complex.
?           ++++ ^                      ^
+   5. Flat is better than nested.

Разница на лицо. Как мне исправить код, так чтобы результат читался получше (интересует вывод и в виде текста, и в виде html, но прежде всего html)?


Тоже читаемо, однако сравните, насколько лучше выглядит результат после wdiff:

Each line of a Differ delta begins with a two-letter code:

(забывая о том, что префикс, конечно, костыль, лучше бы кортежи были) то бишь можно пробежаться по списку и преобразовать в формат wdiff-а


Портируй wdiff на python.

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