Сабж - http://rghost.ru/49573493 :
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import locale, dialog
from dialog import Dialog
# This is almost always a good thing to do at the beginning of your programs.
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
d = Dialog(dialog="dialog")
# Dialog.set_background_title() requires pythondialog 2.13 or later
d.set_background_title("My little program")
# For older versions, you can use:
# d.add_persistent_args(["--backtitle", "My little program"])
# In pythondialog 3.x, you can compare the return code to d.OK, Dialog.OK or
# "ok" (same object). In pythondialog 2.x, you have to use d.DIALOG_OK, which
# is deprecated since version 3.0.0.
if d.yesno("Are you REALLY sure you want to see this?") == d.OK:
d.msgbox("You have been warned...")
# We could put non-empty items here (not only the tag for each entry)
code, tags = d.checklist("What sandwich toppings do you like?",
choices=[("Catsup", "", False),
("Mustard", "", False),
("Pesto", "", False),
("Mayonnaise", "", True),
("Horse radish","", True),
("Sun-dried tomatoes", "", True)],
title="Do you prefer ham or spam?",
backtitle="And now, for something "
"completely different...")
if code == d.OK:
# 'tags' now contains a list of the toppings chosen by the user
code, tag = d.menu("OK, then you have two options:",
choices=[("(1)", "Leave this fascinating example"),
("(2)", "Leave this fascinating example")])
if code == d.OK:
# 'tag' is now either "(1)" or "(2)"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dialog.py", line 3, in <module>
import locale, dialog
File "/home/dds/Рабочий стол/dialog.py", line 4, in <module>
from dialog import Dialog
ImportError: cannot import name Dialog
Как быть? Что я не понимаю...