Вот коментарий из stl_iterator.h
// 24.4.1 Reverse iterators
* Bidirectional and random access iterators have corresponding reverse
* %iterator adaptors that iterate through the data structure in the
* opposite direction. They have the same signatures as the corresponding
* iterators. The fundamental relation between a reverse %iterator and its
* corresponding %iterator @c i is established by the identity:
* @code
* &*(reverse_iterator(i)) == &*(i - 1)
* @endcode
* <em>This mapping is dictated by the fact that while there is always a
* pointer past the end of an array, there might not be a valid pointer
* before the beginning of an array.</em> [24.4.1]/1,2
* Reverse iterators can be tricky and surprising at first. Their
* semantics make sense, however, and the trickiness is a side effect of
* the requirement that the iterators must be safe.
Объясните, пожалуйста, смысл данного выражения:
&*(reverse_iterator(i)) == &*(i - 1)
И что означает &* ?