Ответ на: комментарий от vilfred

у меня нету его.(а инет лимитированный :-((( )


Мой виндов. Есть мой компьютер, а есть мой виндов.

[vilfred@observ vilfred]$ perldoc -f my

       my EXPR
       my TYPE EXPR
       my EXPR : ATTRS
       my TYPE EXPR : ATTRS
               A "my" declares the listed variables to be local
               (lexically) to the enclosing block, file, or
               "eval".  If more than one value is listed, the
               list must be placed in parentheses.

               The exact semantics and interface of TYPE and
               ATTRS are still evolving.  TYPE is currently bound
               to the use of "fields" pragma, and attributes are
               handled using the "attributes" pragma, or starting
               from Perl 5.8.0 also via the "Attribute::Handlers"
               module.  See "Private Variables via my()" in perl-
               sub for details, and fields, attributes, and

vilfred ☆☆
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