
IanOut, an OpenSource FallOut 2 Engine



IanOut is an open source engine that tries to replace the old Fallout 2 by creating the abilitiy to run Fallout-like games under linux and having superior modding support. The engine was created by SztupY and started as a fun project to create a Fallout parody. After 4 Beta releases the development is kind of stuck at the moment and we're searching for a new coders that help us to revive the project and port it to Linux. If you're interested: mail a short description of your ideas and perceptions to or add me in your icq list -> uin:98600423.

Кто нибудь пробовал?

Судя по форуму, сырой он. Да и как я понял это не переписанный движок фалаута, хотят что-то свое сделать, а это ИМХО долго ждать придется..

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