Скачал отдельно Р2Р и Цедегу. Установил их. Еле приклеил цедегу к Р2Р, но..... НИЧЕГО не запускается....вот что написано в консоли ======================================== gall@box:~$ Point2Play The Cedega version ( cedega) you are defaulting to is missing the following file : config Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/transgaming_point2play/Point2Play_gui.py", line 1440, in play_cb self.play_game() File "/usr/lib/transgaming_point2play/Point2Play_gui.py", line 1427, in play_game retval = self.Point2Play.winex( 0, game_name, i["Path"], i["Workdir"], debug_channel=debug_channel, output_file=output_file, output_console=output_console, run_in_gdb=run_in_gdb, CustomGameConfig=i["GameConfig"]) File "/usr/lib/transgaming_point2play/Point2Play.py", line 1094, in winex game_conf = config.config_file( path + "config" ) File "/usr/lib/transgaming_point2play/config.py", line 21, in __init__ f = file( filename ) # Create file object from filename IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/gall/.transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Valve/config' gall@box:~$ ===================================== если кто шарит где я набокопорил, подскажите чем вылечить.....

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