Единственный разработчик этого довольно самобытного шутера (из-под этих наших линуксов тоже прекрасно работает) надул щёчки, потопал ножками и хлопнул дверцей.
This is a message directed towards those who still care about Fistful of Frags and appreciate the huge effort done by me and others to polish and improve this free game on Steam.
I'd like to remark that many updates were released during almost two years for a game that doesn't seek cash or benefice of any kind. We started with 4 maps and 1 game mode, now there are more than 20 for 4 different game modes. FoF did not receive donations or monetization of any kind, it actually costs me some money. I mention it because it also means complete freedom, freedom to stop when you feel is right to stop, and this time has come.
Developing a free game is great when you feel connected to its community and your work is appreciated. This isn't the case anymore. It's more or less normal that the so called “haters” pop up from time to time, but signs are too evident to ignore them. Just take a look to highlighted reviews in Steam store and you'll see what I mean. There're pay to win games out there that get less harsh reviews than we are getting now.
I also would like to clarify that I banned someone recently that seemed a cheater to me. Don't remember any other ban in the last half year, since I started to change the code to break the public hacks around that time. I was wrong, however his reaction was overly dramatic and it seems to have ignited a campaign not only against my person but the game itself. I may be a jerk but the game and all its player base have no fault and shouldn't be the target of this campaign. Let other people enjoy FoF even if you don't do it anymore.
This isn't only about some random persons hiding behind their computers to attack me or this game. I know that I'm not in touch with the community regulars, I don't feel confident in some the feedback gathered by the community so I tend to ignore it. I understand that this pisses some people to no end but that's how things work with me. Do you think I'm a jerk? I could tell you 1001 ways of people being jerks to me along this time but that would be a time waste.
So just to clarify, things have to end eventually. No drama, that's just how things are. The game is quite polished right now, lacks content but it can be added if someone feels like creating something. Thank Source engine for being so easy to mod. Just wanted to be as clear as possible, say goodbye and that's all. I prefer to leave it here as things will get worse over the time. That's what happens when a multiplayer game dies, and Fistful of Frags has had a very long life, being an actual free game and all.
Pass the Whiskey!
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