Кто смотрел сабж, скажите, что там говорят по рации?
Как посмотрел ролик, так беспокоит данный вопрос :)
Кое-как понятно примерно половина:
/* Начало, показывают логотип Кваки */
<голос 1>: Contact with the colony on Mars will be reestablished, we have nothing to do with the impending arrival of mysterious aliens.
<голос 2>: |???????| space station just been destroyed...
<голос 3>: ...massive casaulties |??? ЧЕГО ТО БОРМОЧУТ :) ???|
<голос 4>: |???| farewell speech, as this brave soldiers go to fight to the Strogg's home planet. We, the rest of humanity, wish them luck and godspeed as well.
/ * Логотип взорвали, летит кораблег * /
<рация 1>: Mother goose, mother goose, this is Red Leader ? Charlie 4-1-7
<рация 2>: I've got them on scope, Red Leader! (?) |???|
<рация 1>: Okay, Mother goose.
/ * Летит здоровый корабль с кучей пушек, подлетает к орбите * /
<рация>: |???| ... there is no ? surface, |???|
<рация>: Jets check confirm! (?)
<рация>: |???| pack your shit, marines! |???|
<рация>: Man, that shit's wired, wake his ass up!
<рация>: All right, ? ? ? and ready to go!
/ * Поехали воевать * /
<ковбой>: Yeeeehaaw!
<главгерой>: Shit, what was that?! Command, I've got a problem here. Some cowboy clipped me on my way in |???| down to fifty percent, and dropping.
<рация>: Copy, Bitterman. |???| target LZ. We'll see what we can- HOLY SHIT!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! We just lost |???| of the platoon just as |???|
<главгерой>: Negative, command. I'm approaching niner x-ray right now and there is no heat from the ground. (подлетает к Большой Пушке)
<рация>: |? хз что, взволнованным голосом ?|
<главгерой>: |???| blast around ten seconds ago.
<рация>: Dammit! |???| down there. Getting clipped has saved your ass, marine. I just lost all the readings on the rest of the platoon. Try and get to the Primary LZ, and rendezvous with any squad leaders you can find.
<главгерой>: Shit! Just overshot LZ, command! Command, you copy?! |???| I have no ?, repeat no ?. |???|
/ * Врезаемся в постройку и тут начинается игра * /
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