Nemesys Games ищут тестеров для linux-версии Fortix2.
Они же авторы на этот раз действительно хорошо выглядящих гоночек Ignite, для которых была анонсирована, но до сих не была выпущена linux-версия. По заявлению Nemesys games, работа над портом Ignite будет следующим шагом после релиза порта Fortix2 - для этого уже практически все готово (потрирован их движок Nemesys Engine) - осталость только все оттестировать и обкатать.
Кто хочет принять участие в тестировании - шлите сообщение через форму контакта с указанием спецификаций системы. Количество тестеров ограничено.
From the email : “Greetings Everyone,
This is Zach Zebrowski from Nemesys games and I’m contacting you all because you showed considerable interest in the porting of our games to Linux. We have successfully finished the port of the Nemesys Engine and Fortix 2 to Linux, all that is required now is to test it on multiple systems. The next step for us in the Linux department will be Ignite, so no worries there for those who were wondering.
For those of you who are interested in helping us out, you get to test / play Fortix 2 and help us get closer to perfecting future releases of our games to Linux (i.e. Ignite). To participate, please send us your system specifications, state that you would “like to participate in the beta test of Fortix 2 for Linux” and we will consider you for the beta testing. There are limited number of slots available.”
So if you want to test their goodies please send them a message via the contact page and state your computer specifications.
About Fortix 2 Fortix II can be easiest described as a reverse turret defense game. The aim in the game is to conquer the castles on each playfield. The castles are protected by turrets and evil monsters (more often than not, dragons!). The player controls Sir Fortix – the epic hero of our first game – who is able to free the cursed land.