
GemRB + BG2



Что-то уже три ночи и я никак не раздуплю как все таки запустить это чудо.

Ставлю gemrb и gemrb-data версий 0.6.6-1~getdeb1 с репозитория Распаковываю все iso балдурсгейта в одну директорию. Прописываю все пути в конфиге ~/.gemrb

Запускаю в консольке

GemRB Core Version v0.3.0 Loading...
[Core]: Initializing Variables Dictionary...[OK]
[Config]: Trying to open GemRB.cfg [NOT FOUND]
[Config]: Trying to open /home/roman/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg [OK]
[Core]: Starting Plugin Manager...
[PluginMgr]: Loading Plugins...
[PluginMgr]: Searching for plugins in: /usr/share/gemrb/plugins/
[Core]: Plugin Loading Failed, check path...[ERROR]
Press enter to continue...

Что за плагины и где их взять? В /usr/share/gemrb/ нет директории plugins.

Система debian testing.


Plugins in GemRB are used for:

I/O drivers

Resource loaders

Scripting language(s)


I/O Drivers

These plugins are used for graphic and audio output (SDLVideo, SDLAudio, OpenALAudio, NullSound) and input (SDLVideo again)

Resource Loaders

These plugins implement readers and writers for data files used by the engine (INIImporter, AREImporter, MVEPlayer, …) and in case of audio/video files also provide streaming (ACMReader, …)

Scripting Language(s)

GemRB's support for Python scripts is contained in GUIScript plugin. There's also a LUAScript plugin in the making. Note that GameScript, scripting language used in Infinity Engine scripts, is implemented in the Core Library instead.


These plugins implement effects used in the Infinity Engine scripts, like RetreatFrom, SetPoisonedState, Damage, … Common effects are in FXOpcodes plugin, game-specific ones are in IWDOpcodes and PSTOpcodes.

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