
Worms World Party



Как понимаю, WWP работает только под платной Цедегой? Если не так, подскажите пожалуйста, как запустить.


Ссылка на форум где это было больше не пашет поэтому выкладываю:

Here's how I got Worms World Party to play under Linux. The solution is not incredibly pretty, and I'm not going to take any questions because there are way too many variants of Linux out there to make it feasible. I'd like to hear if it works for anyone else, though.

1) get a successful windows install going. This is no easy task in itself. I'm on a dual boot. My primary motivation to get Linux play working was that WWP wouldn't play on my Windows machine. It turned out my Windows video drivers were too recent! So when I rolled them back, WWP worked under XP--after which point my only motivation to keep going was my hatred of Micro$hite. But that is a very powerful motivation.

I should note that even if you can't get a successful Windows install to work, you may still be able to play under Linux. The only reason I won't say anything certainly is that I've never managed to get a CD check for copyright to work under WINE/Cedega, and I don't want to guess what cracker patches will do in WINE. Instead I patched my WWP as follows:

a) installed it under Windows b) installed the service pack 1 (it MUST be the right edition - in my case, wwp_EUsp1_UK.exe , which is no longer hosted at Team17!) c) installed the NoCD fix (scour the internet for this) d) copied the /data directory from the CD to the data directory of my install (no idea why this works, but otherwise the game fails sound check and won't play)

Again, you *might* be able to do all that under Linux, but, easier not to.

2) Copy the installation over to your Linux drive/machine/whatever. I put it in ~/.transgaming/c_drive/Team17/Worms\ World\ Party e.g.: cp -r /windows/Team17 ~/.transgaming/c_drive Although you can probably put it wherever the heck you want. Note that you could also transfer from another computer over a network, i.e. if you have one Linux machine and one Windows machine.

3) Change to that directory and: rm MSVCRT.DLL The rationale: msvcrt is built into WINE and you don't want to use the one that comes with Worms.

4) From your Windows' C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory, copy the file MSVCP60.DLL into your Wine/Cedega's system32 directory . Rationale: this file is missing from WINE. You paid for lousy stinking Windows, so you can copy the file.

5) Run it by changing to the new install directory and typing "wine WWP.EXE" or "winex3 WWP.EXE" or "cedega WWP.EXE" (as appropriate). I got lucky with Cedega; not so lucky with Wine.

6) At this point it will either run or it will freak out. However the DLL's should no longer be a problem. Errors from this point might be resolved by modifying your WINE config files, trying different releases/CVS compiles of Wine[x] or screwing around with the library paths. However, I did successfully make it work and I ensure you: it can be done.

It takes a little longer to start up but it also runs more smoothly under Linux than under Windows (except sound, which is probably a config issue).

Networking wasn't 100%--my two computers were able to find each other, but Worms went nutso when they tried to interact. D'oh!

I'll keep working on it! I can't guarantee these instructions for anybody, but they're definitely a step in the right direction. If you have never managed to make *anything* run under Wine and/or Cedega, your problem is not with Worms.

One last note: if you have Worms on two partitions simultaneously, you're wasting lots of space. There should be a way to play on either drive and my guess is, just delete MSVCRT.DLL from the Windows install. Then you'll be able to mount the windows drive and use WINE's native MSVCRT when you're in Linux; Windows will use whatever's in its system directory. I haven't tried this, however.

GUrYn ★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от GUrYn

Запускай в одном терминале с параметром mode=server а в другом mode=client и всё запашет. Если нет, то похоже отключен демон network. А вообще игра так себе, от Worms там одни черви :(

RatMann ★★
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