Мож кто знает.... При переходе к новой эпохе в простой цивилизации, на одном и том же месте wine вываливается в дебуг :
wine Civilization3.exe
fixme:opengl:query_function_pbuffer gl_version is: "1.5.3 NVIDIA 71.74"
fixme:opengl:query_function_pbuffer glx_exts is: "GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGI_video_sync GLX_SGI_swap_control GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_NV_float_buffer GLX_ARB_get_proc_address "
fixme:opengl:query_function_pbuffer gl_version is: "1.5.3 NVIDIA 71.74"
fixme:opengl:query_function_pbuffer glx_exts is: "GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGI_video_sync GLX_SGI_swap_control GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_NV_float_buffer GLX_ARB_get_proc_address "
fixme:xrandr:X11DRV_XRandR_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 16
fixme:mmtime:timeBeginPeriod Stub; we set our timer resolution at minimum
fixme:font:CreateScalableFontResourceA (0,"LSANS.fot","Z:\\harddisk\\D\\civ3\\LSANS.TTF",(null)): stub
fixme:font:CreateScalableFontResourceA (0,"LSANS.fot","Z:\\harddisk\\D\\civ3\\LSANS.TTF",(null)): stub
err:opengl:X11DRV_ChoosePixelFormat Flag not supported !
fixme:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_SetCooperativeLevel (0x4c8dc348)->(00010022,00000008)
err:opengl:X11DRV_ChoosePixelFormat Flag not supported !
много такой гадости
err:opengl:X11DRV_ChoosePixelFormat Flag not supported !
wine: Unhandled exception (thread 0009), starting debugger...
WineDbg starting on pid 0x8
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000078 in 32-bit code(0x004030d3).
In 32 bit mode.
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:003b GS:0033
EIP:004030d3 ESP:406df334 EBP:006335c0 EFLAGS:00010246( - 00 -RIZP1)
EAX:4cc89aa0 EBX:538ed680 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000001
ESI:538ed86c EDI:00000280
Stack dump:
0x406df334: 00000280 00000001 c247a7cc 93b83d9d
0x406df344: 2989ae33 9a1f7fa4 6b901575 066a900b
0x406df354: 7a066285 526f065a 064a6406 4e064259
0x406df364: 3243063a 042d3d06 fc7bbbd4 8aa3fdfb
0x406df374: c9cac947 87315461 9bb48988 9a9b9c5a
0x406df384: 69266a83 3441666a 26282710 604688a0
=>1 0x004030d3 in civilization3 (+0x30d3) (0x006335c0)
2 0x538986c0 (0x538ed680)
3 0x00000000 (0x005b3868)
4 0x004a01e0 in civilization3 (+0xa01e0) (0x004f3f50)
0x004030d3: movl 0x78(%ecx),%edi
Trace/breakpoint trap

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