Имееться: informix 9.2 dbi 1.48 perl 5.6.2 Под root-ом: /usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL Грабли: Subroutine WriteMakefile redefined at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.2/ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm line 491. *** Ideally, you should upgrade to Perl version 5.008006. SQL: -329: Database not found or no system permission. ISAM: -111: ISAM error: no record found. SQL: -329: Database not found or no system permission. ISAM: -111: ISAM error: no record found.The test program esqltest compiled successfully (which is good). However, it did not run successfully (which is bad). If the esqltest program did not produce any output: This suggests that there is a problem with the ESQL/C runtime environment, or with the database permissions (in which case, you should have seen diagnostics from the esqltest program itself). Consider whether the shared library path environment variable (eg LD_LIBRARY_PATH or SHLIB_PATH) is set correctly. If the esqltest program did produce some output: This suggests that you do not have enough permissions in your Informix environment. You really need DBA (at least RESOURCE) level privileges on the database you are using. If you might be having problems with ESQL/C, try to compile and run the simple ESQL/C program esqlbasic.ec, which has no Perl related code in it at all -- it is a pure ESQL/C program: esql -o esqlbasic esqlbasic.ec && esqlbasic If you cannot get that to work, then the problem is with ESQL/C and not with DBD::Informix per se, and you need to get your ESQL/C installation fixed so that you can compile and run the esqlbasic program successfully. Make sure you read the whole README file before asking the DBI/DBD community for help! $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME is unset. $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME2 is unset. $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD is unset. $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD2 is unset. Testing connection to stores CONNECT TO 'stores' - no user info Testing concurrent connection to stores CONNECT TO 'stores' - no user info *** Your Informix environment is not usable *** You must fix it before building or testing DBD::Informix Предпологаю что нужно завести админовского пользователя в informix-e, вопрос-как это сделать?Заранее snx
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