Сегодня прилетело:
!!! The ebuild selected to satisfy "media-video/ffmpeg:0=" has unmet requirements.
- media-video/ffmpeg-2.6::gentoo USE="X aac aacplus alsa amr amrenc bzip2 celt encode faac gme gpl gsm hardcoded-tables iconv jack jpeg2k ladspa libass libsoxr modplug mp3 network opengl openssl opus postproc quvi rtmp schroedinger sdl speex ssh theora threads truetype twolame vorbis vpx wavpack webp x264 x265 xcb xvid zlib zvbi (-altivec) (-armv5te) (-armv6) (-armv6t2) (-armvfp) -bluray -bs2b -cdio -cpudetection -debug -doc -examples -fdk -flite -fontconfig -frei0r -fribidi -gnutls -iec61883 -ieee1394 -libcaca -libv4l -lzma (-mipsdspr1) (-mipsdspr2) (-mipsfpu) (-neon) -openal -oss -pic -pulseaudio -samba -static-libs -test -v4l -vaapi -vdpau" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse sse2 -3dnow -3dnowext -avx -avx2 -fma3 -fma4 -mmxext -sse3 -sse4_1 -sse4_2 -ssse3 -xop" FFTOOLS="aviocat cws2fws ffescape ffeval ffhash fourcc2pixfmt graph2dot ismindex pktdumper qt-faststart trasher"
The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
cpu_flags_x86_sse? ( cpu_flags_x86_mmxext )
Вроде бы все понятно: коль уж выставлено sse, то хочет mmxext. Только вот cat /proc/cpuinfoх
не выдает никакого mmxext (Core2Duo), а вот здесь написано следующее:
MMXEXT (like 3DNow!) is an AMD-specific extension that was added in some old AMD CPUs back before AMD and Intel settled on a common SIMD instruction set. The MMXEXT instructions have since been superseded by SSE in both AMD and Intel CPUs, so Intel never added support for them.
The solution to this particular problem is to fix the following bug in libmpeg2:
«MMXEXT» should be changed to «MMX» here (or the clause should be deleted entirely if the MMX flag is not needed in SSE environments).
Баг? Или что-то упускаю?