поставил inn 2.3.2 запускаю [root@toxx]# su news -c ./

2437 pts/0 S 0:00 /bin/sh ./ 12454 pts/0 S 0:00\_ /bin/sh /usr/local/news/bin/innwatch 12488 pts/0 S 0:00 \_ sleep 600

запускается innwatch, а innd нет. вот логи%

Nov 9 15:31:23 temp inndstart: can't setgroups: Operation not permitted Nov 9 15:31:23 temp inndstart: seteuid(0) failed: Operation not permitted


3.1. INN won't start after a new installation The most common cause of this problem is that inndstart isn't setuid root. inndstart must be installed owned by root and group news, mode 4750. The ls -l output for inndstart should look something like:

-r-sr-x--- 1 root news 53768 Jan 8 00:47 inndstart* inndstart will automatically be installed with the right permissions if you run make install as root. If inndstart isn't setuid root, it will log errors to syslog when it tries to start and cannot. If you aren't seeing those error messages in syslog either, you probably haven't set up syslog properly (see 3.4).

The other most frequent cause of this problem is not correctly following the instructions in INSTALL on how to set up the initial history database. After running makedbz, the initial history database files will have names starting with history.n. These files must be renamed to remove the ".n" before innd will start.

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