Здравствуй All !Возвращаюсь к проблеме,начал тему на прошлой неделе и уехал в командировку..... Сквид падает каждую минуту. cat /squid/var/cache.log -- skipped ----- 2006/04/02 09:04:16| Beginning Validation Procedure 2006/04/02 09:04:16| Completed Validation Procedure 2006/04/02 09:04:16| Validated 87057 Entries 2006/04/02 09:04:16| store_swap_size = 1095432k 2006/04/02 09:04:17| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying. 2006/04/02 09:05:15| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting... 2006/04/02 09:05:15| WARNING: Closing open FD 62 2006/04/02 09:05:15| 65536 entries written so far. 2006/04/02 09:05:15| Finished. Wrote 87094 entries. 2006/04/02 09:05:15| Took 0.1 seconds (1185920.5 entries/sec). CPU Usage: 1.970 seconds = 0.830 user + 1.140 sys Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB Page faults with physical i/o: 340 Memory usage for squid via mallinfo(): total space in arena: 11364 KB Ordinary blocks: 11262 KB 6 blks Small blocks: 0 KB 6 blks Holding blocks: 200 KB 1 blks Free Small blocks: 0 KB Free Ordinary blocks: 101 KB Total in use: 11462 KB 101% Total free: 102 KB 1% 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Starting Squid Cache version 2.5.STABLE13-20060319 for i686-pc-linux-gnu... 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Process ID 24688 2006/04/02 09:05:18| With 1024 file descriptors available 2006/04/02 09:05:18| DNS Socket created at, port 33614, FD 5 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Adding nameserver from squid.conf 2006/04/02 09:05:18| helperOpenServers: Starting 30 'rlimit' processes 2006/04/02 09:05:18| helperOpenServers: Starting 20 'ncsa_auth' processes 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 60 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Swap maxSize 2048000 KB, estimated 157538 objects 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Target number of buckets: 7876 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Using 8192 Store buckets 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Max Mem size: 102400 KB 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Max Swap size: 2048000 KB 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Rebuilding storage in /server/squid/var/cache (CLEAN) 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Using Least Load store dir selection 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Set Current Directory to /server/squid/var/cache 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Loaded Icons. 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3333, FD 62. 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 63. 2006/04/02 09:05:18| WCCP Disabled. 2006/04/02 09:05:18| Ready to serve requests. 2006/04/02 09:05:19| Store rebuilding is 4.7% complete 2006/04/02 09:05:20| Done reading /server/squid/var/cache swaplog (87094 entries) 2006/04/02 09:05:20| Finished rebuilding storage from disk. 2006/04/02 09:05:20| 87094 Entries scanned 2006/04/02 09:05:20| 0 Invalid entries. 2006/04/02 09:05:20| 0 With invalid flags. 2006/04/02 09:05:20| 87094 Objects loaded. 2006/04/02 09:05:20| 0 Objects expired. 2006/04/02 09:05:20| 0 Objects cancelled. 2006/04/02 09:05:20| 0 Duplicate URLs purged. 2006/04/02 09:05:20| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided. 2006/04/02 09:05:20| Took 1.8 seconds (47696.8 objects/sec). 2006/04/02 09:05:20| Beginning Validation Procedure 2006/04/02 09:05:20| Completed Validation Procedure 2006/04/02 09:05:20| Validated 87094 Entries 2006/04/02 09:05:20| store_swap_size = 1095756k 2006/04/02 09:05:20| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying. 2006/04/02 09:06:19| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting... 2006/04/02 09:06:19| WARNING: Closing open FD 62 2006/04/02 09:06:19| 65536 entries written so far. 2006/04/02 09:06:19| Finished. Wrote 87098 entries. 2006/04/02 09:06:19| Took 0.1 seconds (1156326.8 entries/sec). CPU Usage: 1.920 seconds = 0.820 user + 1.100 sys -- end skip ---- Система РН 9.0 кернел 2.4.21 Да, к сквиду у меня прикручена система squserlimit для ограничения юзверей по трафффику. Помогите.

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