Ответ на: комментарий от Belt


-channels <number> (also see -af channels)

Request the number of playback channels (default: 2). MPlayer asks the decoder to decode the audio into as many channels as specified. Then it is up to the decoder to fulfill the require- ment. This is usually only important when playing videos with AC3 audio (like DVDs). In that case liba52 does the decoding by default and correctly downmixes the audio into the requested number of channels. To directly control the number of output channels independently of how many channels are decoded, use the channels filter.

NOTE: This option is honored by codecs (AC3 only), filters (surround) and audio output drivers (OSS at least).

Available options are:

2 stereo
4 surround
6 full 5.1

Ответ на: комментарий от Belt

С каких пор правда не знаю но сам cvs/svn можешь посмотреть.

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