Будьте добры, дайте нормальный конфиг mbsync. Не могу настроить.
Reading configuration file /home/myprofile/.mbsyncrc
/home/myprofile/.mbsyncrc:11: keyword 'SSLType' is not recognized in IMAPAccount sections
/home/myprofile/.mbsyncrc:12: keyword 'SSLVersion' is not recognized in IMAPAccount sections
/home/myprofile/.mbsyncrc:13: keyword 'Increase' is not recognized in IMAPAccount sections
/home/myprofile/.mbsyncrc:22: unknown IMAP account 'myaccount@yandex.ru-local'
IMAP store 'myaccount@yandex.ru-remote' has neither Tunnel nor Host
/home/myprofile/.mbsyncrc:26: unknown store 'myaccount@yandex.ru-local'
channel 'myaccount@yandex.ru-local' refers to no near side store
Делал по этому примеру:
## IMAPAccount (Yandex)
IMAPAccount account@yandex.ru
Host imap.yandex.ru
User account@yandex.ru
# Pass ***************
## To store the password in an encrypted file use PassCmd instead of Pass
# PassCmd "gpg -q --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d ~/.authinfo.gpg | awk '/machine account@yandex.ru/ {print $6}'"
PassCmd "pass email/yandex.ru/account@yandex.ru"
AuthMechs LOGIN
SSLVersion TLSv1.2
# Increase timeout
Timeout 120
MaildirStore account@yandex.ru-local
Path ~/Maildir/account@yandex.ru/
Inbox ~/Maildir/account@yandex.ru/Inbox
SubFolders Verbatim
IMAPStore account@yandex.ru-remote
Account account@yandex.ru
Channel account@yandex.ru
Far :account@yandex.ru-remote:
Near :account@yandex.ru-local:
Patterns "INBOX" "Archive" "Trash" "Spam" "Drafts" "Sent"
CopyArrivalDate yes
Create Both
Expunge Both
SyncState *
Только Pass указывал прямо в конфиге, а не как в примере.