Никак не могу подключить Bluetooth наушники устройством вывода

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Хочу подключить наушники Redmi AirDots 2 к Fedora Workstation 35. Установил Blue Men и Pulse Audio подключаю но звук не воспроизводится пошол выбирать устройством вывода но там их нет.

Помогите пожалуста!!!

Последнее исправление: alpha (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от Dima_Kmecinskyi

[dima@fedora ~]$ bluetoothctl Agent registered [bluetooth]# devices Device 1C:52:16:B9:13:F4 Redmi AirDots 2 [bluetooth]# connect 1C:52:16:B9:13:F4 Attempting to connect to 1C:52:16:B9:13:F4 [CHG] Device 1C:52:16:B9:13:F4 Connected: yes [CHG] Controller 00:15:E9:7B:CE:45 Discovering: yes [CHG] Device 1C:52:16:B9:13:F4 RSSI: 127 [CHG] Device 1C:52:16:B9:13:F4 RSSI: 127 [CHG] Device 1C:52:16:B9:13:F4 RSSI is nil [CHG] Controller 00:15:E9:7B:CE:45 Discovering: no Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed br-connection-canceled [CHG] Device 1C:52:16:B9:13:F4 Connected: no [bluetooth]#

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Ответ на: комментарий от Dima_Kmecinskyi

В следующий раз пользуйся тегами markdown и помещай текстовый вывод консоли в сообщение. Служба у тебя запущена, ок.

Какие версии ядра и bluez?

Останови bluetooth.service и покажи вывод # /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -n -d

Grapow ★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Grapow

У меня blueman-manager 2.2.3. Ядро linux 5.15.10-200.fc35.x86_64. А узнать версию Bluez я немогу у меня не установлен bluetoothd. А как установить не знаю

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от Grapow

[dima@fedora ~]$ sudo dnf install bluez-tools

[sudo] пароль до dima: Fedora 35 - x86_64 - Updates 111 kB/s | 19 kB 00:00
Fedora 35 - x86_64 - Updates 440 kB/s | 2.7 MB 00:06
Fedora Modular 35 - x86_64 - Updates 28 kB/s | 17 kB 00:00
Fedora Modular 35 - x86_64 - Updates 137 kB/s | 128 kB 00:00
Останню перевірку на застарілість метаданих було виконано 0:00:01 тому, пт, 11-лют-2022 19:25:38 +0200. Залежності розв’язано.

Пакунок Архітектура Версія Сховище Розмір

Встановлення: bluez-tools x86_64 0.2.0-0.17.git20170912.7cb788c.fc35 fedora 103 k

Резюме операції

Встановити 1 Пакунок

Загальний обсяг отримання: 103 k Розмір після встановлення: 332 k Виконати дію? [y/N]: y Отримання пакунків: bluez-tools-0.2.0-0.17.git20170912.7cb788c.fc35.x86_64.rpm 157 kB/s | 103 kB 00:00

Загалом 85 kB/s | 103 kB 00:01
Виконуємо перевірку операції Перевірку операції успішно пройдено. Виконуємо перевірку операції Операцію з перевірки успішно завершено. Виконуємо операцію Готуємося : 1/1 Встановлення : bluez-tools-0.2.0-0.17.git20170912.7cb788c.fc35.x86_64 1/1 Запускаємо дієсценарій: bluez-tools-0.2.0-0.17.git20170912.7cb788c.fc35.x86_64 1/1 Перевіряємо : bluez-tools-0.2.0-0.17.git20170912.7cb788c.fc35.x86_64 1/1

Встановлено: bluez-tools-0.2.0-0.17.git20170912.7cb788c.fc35.x86_64


[dima@fedora ~]$ bluetoothd -v

bash: bluetoothd: command not found…

[dima@fedora ~]$

() автор топика
20 февраля 2023 г.
Ответ на: комментарий от Grapow


Linux alexey-laptop 6.1.12-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue, 14 Feb 2023 22:08:08 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

extra/bluez 5.66-1 [установлен]

alexey@alexey-laptop ~> /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -n -d
bluetoothd[3182]: Bluetooth daemon 5.66
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() parsing /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “DiscoverableTimeout” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “AlwaysPairable” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “PairableTimeout” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “Privacy” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “JustWorksRepairing” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “TemporaryTimeout” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “Name” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “Class” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “DeviceID” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “ReverseServiceDiscovery” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “RemoteNameRequestRetryDelay” in group “General”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “Cache” in group “GATT”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “KeySize” in group “GATT”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “ExchangeMTU” in group “GATT”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “Channels” in group “GATT”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “SessionMode” in group “AVDTP”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “StreamMode” in group “AVDTP”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_config() Key file does not have key “RSSISamplingPeriod” in group “AdvMon”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “PageScanType” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “PageScanInterval” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “PageScanWindow” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “InquiryScanType” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “InquiryScanInterval” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “InquiryScanWindow” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “LinkSupervisionTimeout” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “PageTimeout” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “MinSniffInterval” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “MaxSniffInterval” in group “BR”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “MinAdvertisementInterval” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “MaxAdvertisementInterval” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “MultiAdvertisementRotationInterval” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanIntervalAutoConnect” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanWindowAutoConnect” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanIntervalSuspend” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanWindowSuspend” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanIntervalDiscovery” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanWindowDiscovery” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanIntervalAdvMonitor” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanWindowAdvMonitor” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanIntervalConnect” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ScanWindowConnect” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “MinConnectionInterval” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “MaxConnectionInterval” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ConnectionLatency” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “ConnectionSupervisionTimeout” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “Autoconnecttimeout” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “AdvMonAllowlistScanDuration” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “AdvMonNoFilterScanDuration” in group “LE”
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:parse_mode_config() Key file does not have key “EnableAdvMonInterleaveScan” in group “LE”
D-Bus setup failed: Connection ":1.107" is not allowed to own the service "org.bluez" due to security policies in the configuration file
bluetoothd[3182]: src/main.c:main() Unable to get on D-Bus
pozitiffcat ★★★
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