timth@asshole:~$ sudo emerge cedega
Calculating dependencies... done!
>>> Emerging (1 of 1) app-emulation/cedega-6.0 to /
!!! Previously fetched file: 'cedega-small-6.0.tgz'
!!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
!!! Got: 1824285
!!! Expected: 1824465
!!! app-emulation/cedega-6.0 has fetch restriction turned on.
!!! This probably means that this ebuild's files must be downloaded
!!! manually. See the comments in the ebuild for more information.
* Please download the appropriate Cedega archive (cedega-small-6.0.tgz)
* from http://www.transgaming.com/ (requires a Transgaming subscription)
* Then put the file in /media/thpack/share/downloads/distfiles
timth@asshole:~$ ls /media/thpack/share/downloads/distfiles/cedega-small-6.0.tgz
и что с ней не так? thpack монтируется с -noexec, но до этого никаких проблем не возникало

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от signal

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от timth

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от ivanich

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