S3 Savage 3D + xfree86



Pomogote poschaluista zapustit X\'y. U menja est karta S3 Savage 3D, pri starte komputera pischet: S3 86C395/396/397. W Linuxe zapuskaju XF86Setup, pitajus konfigurirowat - ne polutschaetsja. Mnogo tschego poprobowal. potom reschil otkonfigurirowat wse s xf86config. Wot tut to on mne i napisal, kogda ja wibral etu kartu (na samom dele S3 86C395 netu w spiske, no est S3 86C391 (Savage) ) , schto: This card is basically unsupported. It may only work as a generic VGA-Compotible card. If you have an XFRR86 version more recent than what this card definition was based on, there\'s a chance that it is now supported. Schto mne delat? Pomogite poschaluista.

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