Здраствуйте, пытаюсь согласовать компьютер и телефон.
Имеятся следующий конфиг:
options {
autoinit yes;
security auto;
pairing multi;
passkey "1234";
device {
name "BlueZ (%d)";
class 0x3e0100;
iscan enable; pscan enable;
lm accept;
lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;
auth enable;
encrypt enable;
при запуске думона и попытки сделать rfcomm connect 0
получаю вот такую реакцию:
#hcid -ndsf /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
hcid[9473]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
hcid[9473]: Enabling debug information
hcid[9473]: Unknown option 'auth' line 58
hcid[9473]: HCI dev 0 registered
hcid[9473]: HCI dev 0 already up
hcid[9473]: Device hci0 has been added
hcid[9473]: Starting security manager 0
hcid[9473]: Device hci0 has been activated
hcid[9473]: Starting SDP server
hcid[9473]: Adding rec : 0x8084138
hcid[9473]: with handle : 0x1
hcid[9473]: Adding rec : 0x8084370
hcid[9473]: with handle : 0x0
hcid[9473]: Service classes 0x00
hcid[9473]: Created local server at unix:abstract=/var/run/dbus-mZUhUcP4gb,guid=bf1181bb5b421c360db40900474590e9
hcid[9473]: /etc/bluetooth/echo.service: Key file does not have key 'Autostart'
hcid[9473]: Registering service object: ident=echo, name=Echo service (/org/bluez/service_echo)
hcid[9473]: Registering service object: ident=input, name=Input service (/org/bluez/service_input)
hcid[9473]: Registering service object: ident=serial, name=Serial service (/org/bluez/service_serial)
hcid[9473]: Registering service object: ident=network, name=Network service (/org/bluez/service_network)
hcid[9473]: Registering service object: ident=audio, name=Audio service (/org/bluez/service_audio)
hcid[9473]: child 9474 exited
hcid[9473]: child 9475 exited
hcid[9473]: /org/bluez: org.bluez.Security.RegisterDefaultPasskeyAgent()
hcid[9473]: name_listener_add(:1.58)
hcid[9473]: Default passkey agent (:1.58, /org/bluez/passkey_agent_9476) registered
hcid[9473]: pin_code_request (sba=00:16:CE:F0:62:9E, dba=00:18:8D:79:68:48)
hcid[9473]: Calling PasskeyAgent.Request: name=:1.58, path=/org/bluez/passkey_agent_9476
hcid[9473]: Invalid passkey length from handler
а как результат Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Connection refused
p.s. Дополнительные сведения
Так же используется passkey-agent
echo "PIN:1234"
Прошу помочь советом - как это заставить работать

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от gena2x

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