man vim

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dimon555 ★★★★★

Посмотри в хелпе на тему :source. Вроде оно

tensai_cirno ★★★★★
:so[urce] {file}        Read Ex commands from {file}.  These are commands that
                        start with a ":".
                        Triggers the |SourcePre| autocommand.

:so[urce]! {file}       Read Vim commands from {file}.  These are commands
                        that are executed from Normal mode, like you type
                        When used after |:global|, |:argdo|, |:windo|,
                        |:bufdo|, in a loop or when another command follows
                        the display won't be updated while executing the
                        {not in Vi}
drull ★☆☆☆
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