Ввожу в терминале
sh /home/(имя пользователя)/.gvfs/majesty.iso/setup.sh/
LGP Update Tool not found, running installation program
cp: чтение `setup.data/bin/Linux/x86/setup.gtk': Operation not supported
Segmentation fault
Continuing with install ...
LGP Uninstall Tool not found, running installation program
Continuing with install ...
cp: чтение `setup.data/bin/Linux/x86/setup.gtk': Operation not supported
Segmentation fault
cp: чтение `setup.data/bin/Linux/x86/setup': Operation not supported
Segmentation fault
The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.1
Fatal error, contact support@linuxgamepublishing.com for support.
Что-то подсказывает мне, что я что-то недоустановил.
Ubuntu 9.04