Новая мать и VMware



Поставил тут ASUS P4C800. Потребовалось переставить ВМВАРЮ а она при конфигурировании говорит

Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.

tar: vmmon-only/include/initblock.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/memmgmt.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/machine.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/wslimits.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/modulecall.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/vm_asm.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/vm_atomic.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/vm_time.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/vm_types.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/vtrace.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/x86.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/x86desc.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/x86apic.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/speaker_reg.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/vm_assert.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/vm_basic_types.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/iocontrols.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_highmem.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_pgtable.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_spinlock.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_uaccess.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_mm.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_file.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_wait.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_page.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_version.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_wrapper.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_timer.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_semaphore.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/compat_sched.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/pgtbl.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/irq_vectors.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include/includeCheck.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/include: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/linux/driver-config.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/linux/driver.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/linux/driver.c: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/linux/vmmonInt.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/linux/vmhost.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/linux: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/memtrack.c: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/memtrack.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/task.c: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/task.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/vmx86.c: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/vmx86.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/hostif.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/hostKernel.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/phystrack.c: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/phystrack.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/cpuid.c: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common/cpuid.h: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/common: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/Makefile: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only/README: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
tar: vmmon-only: time stamp 2003-04-04 06:49:11 is 39506445 s in the future
Building the vmmon module.

make: Вход в каталог `/tmp/vmware-config4/vmmon-only'
make: *** Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time in the future (2003-04-04 06:49:11 > 2002-01-01 23:48:26.572741)
make[1]: Вход в каталог `/tmp/vmware-config4/vmmon-only'
make[1]: *** Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time in the future (2003-04-04 06:49:11 > 2002-01-01 23:48:26.592537)

make[2]: Вход в каталог `/tmp/vmware-config4/vmmon-only/driver-2.4.20-8custom'
make[2]: *** Warning: File `../Makefile' has modification time in the future (2003-04-04 06:49:11 > 2002-01-01 23:48:29.427922)
make[2]: Выход из каталог `/tmp/vmware-config4/vmmon-only/driver-2.4.20-8custom'
make[2]: Вход в каталог `/tmp/vmware-config4/vmmon-only/driver-2.4.20-8custom'
make[2]: *** Warning: File `../Makefile' has modification time in the future (2003-04-04 06:49:11 > 2002-01-01 23:48:30.074685)

и далее бесконечно повторяется последний блок сообщений, т.е. вроде как зависает, ждал гдето пол часа а он всё продолжал писать эту хр*нь.
Подскажите что делать. Старую мать поставить не представляется возможным.

Заранее спасибо!!!


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