VirtualBox не видит USB флешку (хотя принтер видит).



Гуглил, гуглил, да так решения и не нашел. Просто все пункты меню кроме принтера не подсвечены, их нельзя выбрать. На вирт. машине стоит ВинХР, основная ОС - Убунта 10.04 Как активировать USB? Дополнения гостевой ОС установлены, в свойствах поддержка USB включена.

у тебя часом не VBOX ose?


Фильтры настроил?

Zhbert ★★★★★

Тоже не получалось при таком же раскладе как у тебя. Не хочет и все монтировать флешку..


Может флешка автоматически монтируется в системе и виртуалбокс не может ее «отобрать»? Попробуйте отмонтировать («извлечь») и посмотреть.

unikoid ★★★

В справке вб же есть:

12.6.7. USB not working
If USB is not working on your Linux host, make sure that the current user is a member of the vboxusers group. On older hosts, you need to make sure that the user has permission to access the USB filesystem (usbfs), which VirtualBox relies on to retrieve valid information about your host's USB devices. The rest of this section only applies to those older systems.
The current rdesktop-vrdp implementation does not support accessing USB devices through the sysfs!
As usbfs is a virtual filesystem, a chmod on /proc/bus/usb has no effect. The permissions for usbfs can therefore only be changed by editing the /etc/fstab file.
For example, most Linux distributions have a user group called usb or similar, of which the current user must be a member. To give all users of that group access to usbfs, make sure the following line is present:
# 85 is the USB group
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=85,devmode=664 0 0
Replace 85 with the group ID that matches your system (search /etc/group for «usb» or similar). Alternatively, if you don't mind the security hole, give all users access to USB by changing «664» to «666».
The various distributions are very creative from which script the usbfs filesystem is mounted. Sometimes the command is hidden in unexpected places. For SuSE 10.0 the mount command is part of the udev configuration file /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules. As this distribution has no user group called usb, you may e.g. use the vboxusers group which was created by the VirtualBox installer. Since group numbers are allocated dynamically, the following example uses 85 as a placeholder. Modify the line containing (a linebreak has been inserted to improve readability)
DEVPATH=«/module/usbcore», ACTION==«add»,
RUN+=«/bin/mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb»
and add the necessary options (make sure that everything is in a single line):
DEVPATH=«/module/usbcore», ACTION==«add»,
RUN+=«/bin/mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb -o devgid=85,devmode=664»
Debian Etch has the mount command in /etc/init.d/ Since that distribution has no group usb, it is also the easiest solution to allow all members of the group vboxusers to access the USB subsystem. Modify the line
domount usbfs usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb -onoexec,nosuid,nodev
so that it contains
domount usbfs usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb -onoexec,nosuid,nodev,devgid=85,devmode=664
As usual, replace the 85 with the actual group number which should get access to USB devices.
Other distributions do similar operations in scripts stored in the /etc/init.d directory.

amorpher ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от amorpher

Спасибо, помогло. Правда все проще оказалось немного. Надо погуглить «virtualbox флешка fstab». В fstab просто надо добавить одну строку, и все заработает.

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от SideObserver

Сейчас это уже делается одной галочкой в свойствах пользователя

pumbez ★★★
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