Вот такое выдаёт мне emerge:
aptyp@tux ~ $ sudo emerge -uDN world
Calculating dependencies... done!
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Starting parallel fetch
>>> Emerging (1 of 3) dev-python/numpy-1.5.1
* numpy-1.5.1.tar.gz RMD160 SHA1 SHA256 size ;-) ... [ ok ]
* Package: dev-python/numpy-1.5.1
* Repository: gentoo
* Maintainer: sci@gentoo.org python@gentoo.org
* USE: consolekit elibc_glibc kernel_linux policykit userland_GNU x86
* FEATURES: ccache sandbox
* Path to 'python': '/usr/bin/python'
* ABI: ''
* DEFAULT_ABI: 'default'
* EPYTHON: 'python3.1'
* PYTHON_ABI: '3.1'
* Locally active version of Python: '2.7'
* ERROR: dev-python/numpy-1.5.1 failed (setup phase):
* 'python' does not respect EPYTHON variable
* Call stack:
* ebuild.sh, line 56: Called pkg_setup
* numpy-1.5.1.ebuild, line 40: Called python_pkg_setup
* python.eclass, line 377: Called _python_calculate_PYTHON_ABIS
* python.eclass, line 752: Called _python_final_sanity_checks
* python.eclass, line 317: Called die
* The specific snippet of code:
* die "'python' does not respect EPYTHON variable"
* If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =dev-python/numpy-1.5.1',
* the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =dev-python/numpy-1.5.1'.
* The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/numpy-1.5.1/temp/build.log'.
* The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/numpy-1.5.1/temp/die.env'.
* S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/numpy-1.5.1/work/numpy-1.5.1'
>>> Failed to emerge dev-python/numpy-1.5.1, Log file:
>>> '/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/numpy-1.5.1/temp/build.log'
* Messages for package dev-python/numpy-1.5.1:
* Path to 'python': '/usr/bin/python'
* ABI: ''
* DEFAULT_ABI: 'default'
* EPYTHON: 'python3.1'
* PYTHON_ABI: '3.1'
* Locally active version of Python: '2.7'
* ERROR: dev-python/numpy-1.5.1 failed (setup phase):
* 'python' does not respect EPYTHON variable
* Call stack:
* ebuild.sh, line 56: Called pkg_setup
* numpy-1.5.1.ebuild, line 40: Called python_pkg_setup
* python.eclass, line 377: Called _python_calculate_PYTHON_ABIS
* python.eclass, line 752: Called _python_final_sanity_checks
* python.eclass, line 317: Called die
* The specific snippet of code:
* die "'python' does not respect EPYTHON variable"
* If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =dev-python/numpy-1.5.1',
* the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =dev-python/numpy-1.5.1'.
* The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/numpy-1.5.1/temp/build.log'.
* The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/numpy-1.5.1/temp/die.env'.
* S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/numpy-1.5.1/work/numpy-1.5.1'
aptyp@tux ~ $ python -V
Python 2.7.1
aptyp@tux ~ $ eselect python list
Available Python interpreters:
[1] python2.7 *
[2] python3.1