Привет всем ! Поблема какая-то непонятная Стоит Fedora Core 2 , ядро 2.6.7 с патчем для win4lin При загрузке показываетя что модуль win4lin грузиться запускаю просто loadwindowsCD fromdir /win98/ (при этом использую не дискету а образ загрузочный) Получаю такую чушь: ======================================================================
[root@linux root]# loadwindowsCD fromdir /win98/
Checking the system.
A Windows boot floppy is needed to complete the load of
of Windows.
The Windows boot floppy must match the version of Windows
you are loading.
You can use a real floppy or image file of such a floppy.
Do you have an appropriate real Windows boot floppy now ? (y/n/q) n
Do you have an appropriate image file now ? (y/n/q) y
Enter the filename of the boot floppy image: /download/win.img
Is /download/win.img correct? (y/n/q) y
Copying the Windows files.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++
Set locale info for current system.
Pre-Installation Phase: Installing minimal DOS system...
Installing DOS system files.
Configuring DOS image files.
BIOS V2.09 Copyright 1984, 1985 Award Software Inc.
Quadtel Expanded Memory Manager Copyright(c) 1989, 1990 Quadtel Corp. All Rights Reserved
Making MDA Image.
MERGE_NL: dos: ERROR: Win4Lin drivers are not loaded or
not available for use. Cannot run DOS or Windows.
Either Win4Lin is not fully installed on your system, or the
drivers cannot load, or too many simultaneous users.
WARNING: MDA image was not made.
WARNING: No image files were made.
WARNING: Images creation failed.
ERROR: Failed to make all DOS image files.
Installation of DOS partialy failed.
ERROR: loadwindowsCD: The pre-installation of DOS has failed.
This is likely due to a damaged boot floppy or image, or one
that is incompatible with your Windows media.
===================================================================== Почему выдаётся Win4Lin drivers are not loaded ? Что за драйверы ? Ядро когда собирал поставил Enable Win4lin(или что-то типа этого) Как лечить ?