Вчера упал апдейт chromium'а, который не запускается из-за отсутствия chrome-sandbox:
[11304:11304:4299705079:FATAL:zygote_host_linux.cc(129)] The SUID sandbox helper binary is missing: /usr/lib64/chromium/chrome-sandbox Aborting now.
с форума суси:
It seems that the old way of building chromium is no longer correct due to some recent changes. It seems now that this chrome-sandbox is a required item, which needs even to be installed with SUID settings.
I tried to push the latest update quickly to Contrib, before the Chromium package is going to disappear from there. But unfortunately this went wrong.
I am working on the issue and hope to have it working again by tomorrow afternoon.
Они там что, вообще не тестят пакеты перед загрузкой в репозитории?