The 2004 OfB Choice Awards
Best Linux Distribution: Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official ProSuite
Picking a distribution is a difficult proposition. There is no one distribution that will solve every problem or one distribution that is even clearly the best desktop for every need. Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official is the obvious pick, even considering that, because it has the capabilities to work well for the widest array of situations and features what we believe to be the best set of configuration tools.
Mandrake Linux 10.0 Official edition is the only distribution we have tested that properly detected a variety of both nVidia and ATI video cards that required their respective proprietary drivers. Mandrakelinux is also the distribution we found offered the best selection of kernels for particular needs, the best coverage of post-installation configuration tools for hardware and software and the convenient inclusion of a graphically administered server installation CD set, in addition to the DVD-ROM desktop edition.
Mandrakelinux also seems to presently maintain a good configuration of both KDE and Gnome, whereas we have found most distributions favor one environment or another in a far more striking manner. This is especially good in large deployments since it allows administrators to deploy just one distribution even if some employees will find KDE a better fit and others find Gnome a better fit.
All these things considered, we feel that Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official ProSuite has more than earned its place as the GNU/Linux OfB Choice award holder for 2004.

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