import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
  -- Reduce key binds

  [ ("C-<Escape> <Return>", spawn myTerminal)

  -- launch dmenu
  , ("C-<Escape> x", spawn "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu -p execute:` && eval \"exec $exe\"")

  -- show information
  , ("C-<Escape> i", spawn "acpi -i | osd_cat -f '-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-*-200-*-*-*-*-*-r' -c white -p middle -A center -s 2 -O 1")

  -- show date/time
  , ("C-<Escape> t", spawn "date '+| %j | %V | %B | %d | %A | %T %d.%m.%Y |' | osd_cat -f '-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-*-200-*-*-*-*-*-r' -c white -p middle -A center -s 2 -O 1")

  -- close focused window 
  , ("C-<Escape> <Delete>", kill)

  -- Resize viewed windows to the correct size
  , ("C-<Escape> r", refresh)

  -- Move focus to the next window
  , ("C-<Escape> <Down>", windows W.focusDown)

  -- Move focus to the previous window
  , ("C-<Escape> <Up>", windows W.focusUp)

  -- Push window back into tiling
  , ("C-<Escape> <Space>", withFocused $ windows . W.sink)

  -- Quit xmonad
  , ("C-<Escape> C-q", io (exitWith ExitSuccess))

  -- Restart xmonad
  , ("C-<Escape> C-r", restart "xmonad" True)

  -- Switch to workspace X
  -- Move client to workspace X
  [ ("C-<Escape> " ++ mask ++ sym, windows $ command workspace)
      | (workspace, sym) <- myWorkspaceSwitcher
      , (mask, command) <- [ ("", W.greedyView), ("C-", W.shift) ] ]

  -- mod-{v,l,h}, Switch to physical/Xinerama screens
  -- mod-shift-{v,l,h}, Move client to screen
  [ ("C-<Escape> " ++ mask ++ sym, screenWorkspace (S screen) >>= flip whenJust (windows . command))
      | (screen, output, position, sym) <- myScreenSwitcher
      , (mask, command) <- [ ("", W.view), ("C-", W.shift) ] ]

  -- mod-ctrl-{v,l,h}, Turn on output
  -- mod-ctrl-shift-{v,l,h}, Turn off output
  [ ("C-<Escape> " ++ mask ++ sym, command)
      | (screen, output, position, sym) <- myScreenSwitcher
      , (mask, command) <- [ ("C-u ", spawn ("xrandr --output " ++ output ++ " --auto " ++ position)), ("C-b ", spawn ("xrandr --output " ++ output ++ " --off")) ] ]


exception13 ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от tensai_cirno


EMACS-style кейбинд как в ratpoison. Что не так?

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