Все составные части уже разработаны и потестированы -
кремниевые лазеры, кремниевые детекторы, коннекторы, кабели и всё остальное.
Есть ли шансы дождаться компьютеров с оптическими шинами, или это такая же неосуществимая штука как ИТЭР?
Насколько позже эта технология проникнет в планшеты?
= The first laser was invented by Ted Maiman
Optical fiber was invented by three Corning researchers
doping silica glass fibers with titanium-produced lower loss fibers.
first commercial installation of an optical fiber in Chicago, Illinois
Silicon Photonics research at Intel began in the
with efforts to test and measure transistors switching
inside microprocessors optically.
Although silicon appears opaque to the naked eye,
it is transparent to infrared light.
first 1 and 10 Gbps silicon modulator,
the first hybrid silicon laser,
the first Silicon Avalanche Photo-detector.
2004 год = 1GHz
The report on this research was published in Nature,
Volume 428 dated Feb. 12. The paper, titled
"A high-speed silicon optical modulator
based on a metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor,"
all-silicon Raman lasers have been fabricated
2007-ый год = 40 гигабит/с
2010-ый год = 50 гигабит/с
In 2010, Intel demonstrated the first end-to-end silicon photonics
data connection with integrated lasers
first Silicon waveguide+Graphene sheet detector
IBM announced that it had achieved optical components at the 90 nanometer scale
that can be manufactured using standard techniques and incorporated
into conventional chips
2013-ый год = 100 Гбит/с
Justin Rattner Keynote @ IDF 2013
cable approximately five millimeters in diameter
depletion-mode carrier-plasma optical modulators
can be fabricated using standard
Silicon-on-Insulator Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (SOI CMOS)
(обещают до 800 Гбит/с)