При попытке перезагрузки случилось страшное - накрылась FS, причем, уже
второй раз. Восстанавливается только с --rebuild-tree, но некоторые
файлы убиваются напрочь. Хочется знать, это аппаратный глюк или все-таки
драйвера. В логах следующее:
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: printing eip:
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: f91707b5
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: Oops: 0002
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: CPU: 0
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: EIP: 0010:[<f91707b5>] Tainted: P
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: EFLAGS: 00210292
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: eax: 80461ffe ebx: d9c73014 ecx: fffd1000 edx: 0000fffc
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: esi: f800e054 edi: 00000008 ebp: d9c73000 esp: f619deb0
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: Process XFree86 (pid: 255, stackpage=f619d000)
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: Stack: 7273752f 00000001 7273752f 62696c2f f9186a24 f9171e6d f9186a24 00000006
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: 000008a4 f917359a f9186560 00000001 00000000 d9c73000 f6241940 c18d106c
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: 00000867 f6a9cf18 f9186780 f91867b4 f4696240 f9176dbb f9186560 00000000
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: Call Trace: [<f9186a24>] [<f9171e6d>] [<f9186a24>] [<f917359a>] [<f9186560>]
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: [<f9186780>] [<f91867b4>] [<f9176dbb>] [<f9186560>] [<f9186780>] [<f91765df>]
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: [<f9186780>] [<f9186780>] [<f91698f1>] [<f91698c1>] [<c0136c6c>] [<c0135c15>]
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: [<c0135c63>] [<c0106cb3>]
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel:
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: Code: 89 0e 01 d6 3d ff 3f 00 00 77 f0 c1 e0 10 0d 00 10 00 c0 89
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: memory.c:100: bad pmd fffd1000.
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: is_leaf: item length seems wrong: *3.6* [1920169263 8212 0xd9 DIRECT], item_len 0, item_location 3200, free_space(entry_count) 0
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-5150: search_by_key: invalid format found in block 30533. Fsck?
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-13050: reiserfs_update_sd: i/o failure occurred trying to update [8228 9196 0x0 SD] stat data
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: is_leaf: item length seems wrong: *3.6* [1920169263 8212 0xd9 DIRECT], item_len 0, item_location 3200, free_space(entry_count) 0
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-5150: search_by_key: invalid format found in block 30533. Fsck?
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-5657: reiserfs_do_truncate: i/o failure occurred trying to truncate [8228 9196 0xfffffffffffffff DIRECT]
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: is_leaf: item length seems wrong: *3.6* [1920169263 8212 0xd9 DIRECT], item_len 0, item_location 3200, free_space(entry_count) 0
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-5150: search_by_key: invalid format found in block 30533. Fsck?
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-5350: reiserfs_delete_solid_item: i/o failure occurred trying to delete [8228 9196 0x0 SD]
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: is_leaf: item length seems wrong: *3.6* [1920169263 8212 0xd9 DIRECT], item_len 0, item_location 3200, free_space(entry_count) 0
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-5150: search_by_key: invalid format found in block 30533. Fsck?
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-13050: reiserfs_update_sd: i/o failure occurred trying to update [8228 9180 0x0 SD] stat data
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: is_leaf: item length seems wrong: *3.6* [1920169263 8212 0xd9 DIRECT], item_len 0, item_location 3200, free_space(entry_count) 0
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-5150: search_by_key: invalid format found in block 30533. Fsck?
Apr 24 05:29:13 localhost kernel: ide0(3,14):vs-5350: reiserfs_delete_solid_item: i/o failure occurred trying to delete [8228 9180 0x0 SD]

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