Вот скриптик, который я использовал для 9.3 Поправишь как тебе надо для десятки.

# Uncomment this section if you have physical cds and want to convert them to                                                               
# ISOs first. You need to have the ISOs, named as in this script, for this                                                                  
# script to work predictably.                                                                                                               
#echo Please insert disk 1 of 5 and hit any key to continue.                                                                                
#read key                                                                                                                                   
#dd if=/dev/cdrom of=SUSE-9.3-Prof-i386-CD1.iso                                                                                             
#echo Please insert disk 2 of 5 and hit any key to continue.                                                                                
#read key                                                                                                                                   
#dd if=/dev/cdrom of=SUSE-9.3-Prof-i386-CD2.iso                                                                                             
#echo Please insert disk 3 of 5 and hit any key to continue.                                                                                
#read key                                                                                                                                   
#dd if=/dev/cdrom of=SUSE-9.3-Prof-i386-CD3.iso                                                                                             
#echo Please insert disk 4 of 5 and hit any key to continue.                                                                                
#read key                                                                                                                                   
#dd if=/dev/cdrom of=SUSE-9.3-Prof-i386-CD4.iso                                                                                             
#echo Please insert disk 5 of 5 and hit any key to continue.                                                                                
#read key                                                                                                                                   
#dd if=/dev/cdrom of=SUSE-9.3-Prof-i386-CD5.iso                                                                                             
#Mount the CDs in loopback mode:                                                                                                            
mkdir CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5                                                                                                                   
mount suse93_1.iso CD1 -o loop                                                                                                              
mount suse93_2.iso CD2 -o loop                                                                                                              
mount suse93_3.iso CD3 -o loop                                                                                                              
mount suse93_4.iso CD4 -o loop                                                                                                              
mount suse93_5.iso CD5 -o loop                                                                                                              
# Create a basic structure to overwrite files we need to modify for the CD (the checksums and boot files).                                  
cp -a CD1/boot .                                                                                                                            
mkdir i586 i686 noarch                                                                                                                      
# Create the NEW MD5SUMS as one file in order to allow SuSE to validate (thus install) all of the files from every CD and not just CD #1    
# For the i586 directory:                                                                                                                   
cat CD1/suse/i586/MD5SUMS CD2/suse/i586/MD5SUMS CD3/suse/i586/MD5SUMS CD4/suse/i586/MD5SUMS CD5/suse/i586/MD5SUMS > i586/MD5SUMS            
# For the i686 directory:                                                                                                                   
cat CD1/suse/i686/MD5SUMS CD2/suse/i686/MD5SUMS > i686/MD5SUMS                                                                              
# For the noarch directory:                                                                                                                 
cat CD1/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS CD2/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS CD3/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS CD4/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS CD5/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS > noarch/MD5SUMS
# Now, create the ISO:                                                                                                                      
mkisofs -o SuSE_9.3.iso -b boot/loader/isolinux.bin -c boot/loader/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -l -P SuSE -r -
T -V SuSE_9.3 -x CD1/boot -x CD1/suse/i586/MD5SUMS -x CD1/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS -x CD1/suse/i686/MD5SUMS -x CD2/suse/i686/MD5SUMS -x CD2/suse/
i586/MD5SUMS -x CD2/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS -x CD3/suse/i586/MD5SUMS -x CD3/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS -x CD4/suse/i586/MD5SUMS -x CD4/suse/noarch/MD5S
UMS -x CD5/suse/i586/MD5SUMS -x CD5/suse/noarch/MD5SUMS -graft-points CD1 boot/=boot suse/i586/MD5SUMS=i586/MD5SUMS suse/noarch/MD5SUMS=noar
ch/MD5SUMS suse/i686/MD5SUMS=i686/MD5SUMS suse/=CD2/suse suse/=CD3/suse suse/=CD4/suse suse/=CD5/suse media.2/=CD2/media.2 media.3/=CD3/medi
a.3 media.4/=CD4/media.4 media.5/=CD5/media.5                                                                                               
# Now just burn the ISO to a DVD (hint: use 'growisofs' or your favorite GUI-frontend to 'growisofs'). Optionally, you can mount this ISO li
ke you did #above to verify it will work correctly, or if you don't want to actually burn it. Just call:                                    
#mkdir DVD                                                                                                                                  
#mount SuSE_9.3.iso DVD -o loop
# Enjoy!

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