
htc desire update: а чо соббсн?



Внезапно дизайр порадовал сообщением об обновлении софта. Ну обновил. Тот же андроид 2.1 (раньше конца месяца, видимо, обновлений не будет). Кто-нибудь в курсе, что там обновилось? Гугл как-то слегка подзабанил меня.


Changes reported:
- Updates bootloader to 0.80
- New radio image
- New youtube app with HQ option (1.6.20E).
- Fixed htc's weather widget (integrated into clock&weather widget) not knowing where you are ( just said the name of the country in some countries).
- SMS issue (from non-numerical senders) is resolved.
- fixed random contact showing when receiving operator SMS.
- fixes the voicemail bug for the French carrier SFR (short voicemail number used to call 911/emergency).
- Messages app now shows a count on the number of messages in the SMS inbox. 
- calendar/contacts bug - unable to store contact's birthday - has been fixed.
- Long click on the menu button when in home screen now doesnt pop up the keyboard, like it uselessly did before.
- SMS reader does not show the little smiley androids any more - just the mere types.
- Exchange Company Address Book is now properly working. Was unable to use before the update.
- They have disabled the snooze function on the Optical trackpad for calendar events. This means that it is now possible to have the phone in your pocket without accidentally snoozing the alarms.

Known issues:
- OTA update on debranded/rooted roms resolves in wifi not working - debranded may be specific for orange.
- Doesnt fully charge for the first couple of times, probably a calibiration thing, it's ok after 3-5 charges.

P.S. Я ещё не обновился.

Ответ на: комментарий от Deleted

В общем, багфикс-релиз и небольшие косметические изменения.

Ответ на: комментарий от Deleted

Спасибо, как раз что я искал

svu ★★★★★
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