В libbluray/libbdplus восстановили работу расшифровки коммерческих blu-ray дисков
=== https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=176924&page=5 Bluray playback with libaacs & libbdplus === 8th October 2021, 19:55 #87 | Link nst Registered User Join Date: Jan 2013 Posts: 4 Hello all,
I'm not entirely sure if all changes to libaacs are merged to upstream yet (IIRC they are). Regarding libbdplus and the cached convtab functionality: Cached convtabs are working with and is fully supported by upstream libbdplus as of today! The functionality itself was added upstream in the last few days except the automatic load from the cache directory. I created a merge request for this missing bit and added table loading from .config/bdplus (suggestion by the upstream maintainers) aswell as loading from the system config dir, that MR got merged today. Also, BD+ disc playback from within Kodi got fixed properly in libbluray, so the patch tampering with bdplus_m2ts() isn't necessary anymore when using libbluray from GIT HEAD.
Thanks to the original authors of the original patches, making BD playback (on Linux and Kodi) possible without the need for proprietary closed blobs! ===
хотя меня сейчас скорее обратный процесс интересует. Т. е создания этих самых дисков. Но вдруг кому пригодится и эта новость. Да, и у этого самого kodi в первой половине года был вариант для Андроид (arm32/aarch64) с поддержкой этих самых blu-ray menus.