
SpaceFM и udevil - всё

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I will be beginning a hiatus from my public projects shortly, which means those projects will be suspended indefinitely, including development on SpaceFM and udevil, updates to this blog, and other little works. Suspended means all motion will stop, but most sites I maintain should remain accessible and unchanged. The duration of this hiatus is undefined. This may morph into a retirement, or I may restart some of it eventually in OpenBSD or another platform, or I may simply return and resume work on some or all of the projects.


With regard to Linux, I plan on falling behind the systemd wave in Debian, avoiding it. I may eventually move toward Gentoo, or over to one of the BSDs as well. But in avoidance of systemd, I won’t be keeping up with the latest edge of Linux for awhile, which makes for a poor developer’s environment. You’re welcome to join me, in which case SpaceFM and udevil should keep working as they are, even without current maintenance. To give you an idea, in the past six months I’ve needed to fix only a handful of bugs, none of them critical. So this isn’t abandoning ship, it’s more like setting sail for real.

Или уже было?

Ответ на: комментарий от carasin

Оказывается, и среди тех, кто пишет код, есть истерички :)


yoghurt ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от carasin

Оказывается, и среди тех, кто пишет код, есть истерички

Разве он не начал этот проект из-за перехода PCManFM на gvfs?

Darth_Revan ★★★★★
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