Покайтесь, еретики-гномеры! В единении трудящихся залог победы. Нерушимый союз Пегасов-Рабочих, Земных Пони-Колхозников и Единорогов-Интеллигентов — социальная основа всего опенсорса. Но — ближе к теме:
For quite a while now the KDE team has been severely understaffed. We maintain a lot of packages, with many different kinds of bugs, but we don't have enough people to do all the work that needs to be done. We have tools that help us automate the update to new upstream releases, but that's just the tip of the iceberg of our work and so we are writing to invite more people to get involved in the team and help us get KDE software in Debian into better shape.
Have you invited the Kubuntu team to join you? I'll send a mail to the other derivatives I can find that use KDE.
We've invited the Kubuntu team to merge their efforts with ours and use the same packaging vcs. The answer was positive, although the migration is a bit too far in the future. They sort of agree that they could migrate from launchpad bzr to git.debian.org, but as they are a larger group they separate junior and senior developers, requiring a review for each junior commit, for which they have a workflow and systems in place that won't be directly usable in git.debian.org. so the idea is to keep in sync most of our work, and see if we can figure out a way to merge it.
Ну что, теперь и в Дебиане будут замешивать правильные Кеды?