
Сколько у вас несвободного софта?

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Нашёл вот такую штуку

valkeru@valkeru-desktop:~/Софт$ apt-cache show vrms
Description-ru: Виртуальный Ричард Мэттью Столлман
The vrms program will analyze the set of currently-installed packages on a
Debian-based system, and report all of the packages from the non-free and
contrib trees which are currently installed.

У меня:

valkeru@valkeru-desktop:~/Софт$ vrms
          Non-free packages installed on valkeru-desktop

firmware-crystalhd                  Crystal HD Video Decoder (firmware)
libcg                               Nvidia Cg core runtime library
libcggl                             Nvidia Cg Opengl runtime library
nvidia-340                          NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.17
nvidia-cg-dev                       Cg Toolkit - GPU Shader Authoring Language (headers)
nvidia-cg-toolkit                   Cg Toolkit - GPU Shader Authoring Language
opera-developer                     Fast and secure web browser
skype                               Wherever you are, wherever they are
unrar                               Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)

           Contrib packages installed on valkeru-desktop

flashplugin-installer               Adobe Flash Player plugin installer
nvidia-settings                     Tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
ttf-mscorefonts-installer           Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts

  9 non-free packages, 0.5% of 1950 installed packages.
  3 contrib packages, 0.2% of 1950 installed packages.
Кто ещё раскается? ;)


Последнее исправление: cetjs2 (всего исправлений: 2)

Пусть научится рассказывать про свободные аналоги.

Stahl ★★☆

andrei@desktop:~$ vrms
Non-free packages installed on desktop

libcuda1-331 NVIDIA CUDA runtime library
nvidia-331 NVIDIA binary driver - version 331.38
nvidia-libopencl1-331 NVIDIA OpenCL Driver and ICD Loader library
nvidia-opencl-icd-331 NVIDIA OpenCL ICD

Contrib packages installed on desktop

nvidia-settings Tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver

4 non-free packages, 0.2% of 1608 installed packages.
1 contrib packages, 0.1% of 1608 installed packages.

Кстати, а почему он гуглохром пропустил?

Andrew ★★★
sehellion@ubuntu:~$ vrms
               Non-free packages installed on ubuntu

rar                                 Archiver for .rar files
unrar                               Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)

               Contrib packages installed on ubuntu

flashplugin-installer               Adobe Flash Player plugin installer

  2 non-free packages, 0.1% of 1662 installed packages.
  1 contrib packages, 0.1% of 1662 installed packages.

еще steam и все, на дектопе с дебианом еще плюс блоб от невидии

sehellion ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: sehellion (всего исправлений: 1)
            Non-free packages installed on *-pc

amd64-microcode                     Processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs
firmware-linux                      Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kerne
firmware-linux-nonfree              Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kerne
intel-microcode                     Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs
skype                               Wherever you are, wherever they are
unrar                               Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)

            Contrib packages installed on *-pc

flashplugin-nonfree                 Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin
iucode-tool                         Intel processor microcode tool
ttf-mscorefonts-installer           Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts

  6 non-free packages, 0.2% of 2745 installed packages.
  3 contrib packages, 0.1% of 2745 installed packages.
Pavval ★★★★★

fglrx, фирмвари, unrar, флеш. Около 1%

YAR ★★★★★

Блоб нвидиа, флеш, несколько несвободных шрифтов, несколько несвободных игр. На арче.

UPD: а, есть арчевариант.

[14:33] ~ % vrms
dwarffortress: ['custom:dwarffortress']
eduke32: ['GPL', 'custom: BUILD']
flashplugin: ['custom:non-free']
lohit-fonts: ['custom: OFL']
openttd-opensfx: ['custom:CCSP']
opera: ['custom:opera']
otf-stix: ['custom:STIXFont']
ppsspp: ['custom, GPL2']
python3-imaging: ['custom:pil']
sdlmame: ['custom:MAME License']
terminus-cyrillic: ['GPL-2', 'OFL']
ttf-ms-fonts: ['custom:microsoft']
webcore-fonts: ['EULA']

Non-free packages: 13

However, there are 276 ambiguously licensed packages that vrms cannot certify.

Помимо этого есть несколько несвободных игр, о которых пакетный менеджер, естественно, не знает.

Psych218 ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: Psych218 (всего исправлений: 1)
anon@host:~/code$ vrms
                Non-free packages installed on host

adobe-flash-properties-gtk          GTK+ control panel for Adobe Flash Player plugin versi
adobe-flashplugin                   Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11
emacs23-common-non-dfsg             GNU Emacs shared, architecture independent, non-DFSG i
emacs24-common-non-dfsg             GNU Emacs common non-DFSG items, including the core do
rar                                 Archiver for .rar files
skype                               client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service
skype-bin                           client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service -
unrar                               Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)

                Contrib packages installed on host

pepperflashplugin-nonfree           Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin
ttf-mscorefonts-installer           Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
virtualbox                          x86 virtualization solution - base binaries
virtualbox-dkms                     x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources fo
virtualbox-qt                       x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface
winetricks                          Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (winetricks)

     Contrib packages with status other than installed on host

flashplugin-installer               ( dei)  Adobe Flash Player plugin installer

  8 non-free packages, 0.3% of 3074 installed packages.
  7 contrib packages, 0.2% of 3074 installed packages.
encyrtid ★★★★★
/home/gotf > vrms 
               Non-free packages installed on tenshi

amd64-microcode                     Processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs
firmware-linux-nonfree              Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kerne
firmware-realtek                    Binary firmware for Realtek wired and wireless network
unrar                               Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
virtualbox-guest-additions-iso      guest additions iso image for VirtualBox

               Contrib packages installed on tenshi

game-data-packager                  Installer for game data files
virtualbox                          x86 virtualization solution - base binaries
virtualbox-dkms                     x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources fo
virtualbox-qt                       x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface

  5 non-free packages, 0.3% of 1432 installed packages.
  4 contrib packages, 0.3% of 1432 installed packages.

VirtualBox планируется заменить на более нормальное решение. В /opt лежат проприетарные игры, о которых vrms знать не обязательно.

Gotf ★★★
Последнее исправление: Gotf (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от sehellion

У меня драйвер невидии и скайп тоже не из реп, но он их определяет же

Valkeru ★★★★
() автор топика

crafty                    state-of-the-art chess engine, compatible with xboard
cuneiform                 multi-language OCR system
cuneiform-common          multi-language OCR system (common)
nvidia-current            NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU lib
unrar                     Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
uqm-content               The Ur-Quan Masters - Game data files
uqm-music                 The Ur-Quan Masters - Game music files

                Contrib packages installed on Bugzz

crafty-books-medtosmall   Medium-to-small size opening books for crafty chess en
flashplugin-installer     Adobe Flash Player plugin installer
ivtv-utils                utilities for use with the ivtv kernel driver
jedit                     A plugin-based editor for programmers.
nvidia-settings           Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
rocksndiamonds            arcade-style game
ttf-mscorefonts-installer Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
uqm                       The Ur-Quan Masters - An inter-galatic adventure game
uqm-russian               Russian addon for 'The Ur-Quan Masters' game
xserver-xorg-video-ivtv   X.Org X server -- IVTV display driver

    Contrib packages with status other than installed on Bugzz

nvidia-common             ( dei)  Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers
nvidia-kernel-common      ( dei)  NVIDIA binary kernel module common files

  7 non-free packages, 0.3% of 2622 installed packages.
  12 contrib packages, 0.5% of 2622 installed packages.
dikiy ★★☆☆☆

Джентушный VRMS какой-то очень привередливый:
Он вот такое вот выдал:
55 non-free packages, 2.7% of 2036 installed packages.
4 possibly non-free packages, 0.2% of 2036 installed packages.

takino ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Lincor

$ yaourt -Ss vrms aur/vrms-arch 0.1.0.r2.g96957a5-1 (14) vrms (virtual Richard M. Stallman) for ArchLinux

Однако, работает странно:

$ vrms flashplugin: ['custom:non-free'] ttf-ms-fonts: ['custom:microsoft']

Non-free packages: 2

However, there are 205 ambiguously licensed packages that vrms cannot certify.

Ghostwolf ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: Ghostwolf (всего исправлений: 1)
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\x3al_000> vrms
vrms : The term 'vrms' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
 spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ vrms
+ ~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (vrms:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:\Users\x3al_000>
x3al ★★★★★
$ vrms

No non-free or contrib packages installed on debian!  rms would be proud
Ответ на: комментарий от takino


он стал несвободным? о_О не, ну может к бинарной сборке с оф. сайта это относится и к «дополнениям»

grem ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Lincor

у меня 0, но арч, так что пруфа не будет.

В AUR же есть.

najlus ★★★★★
2gis: ['Adware']
alac2flac: ['custom:cc-by-nc-sa']
awesome-freedesktop-git: ['undefined']
flashplugin: ['custom:non-free']
fortune-mod-lorquotes: ['?']
lib32-faad2: ['GPL', 'custom:FAAD2']
neovim-git: ['custom:neovim']
opera: ['custom:opera']
urxvt-url-picker: ['OWL']
zsh-syntax-highlighting-git: ['Custom']

Non-free packages: 10

However, there are 235 ambiguously licensed packages that vrms cannot certify.
najlus ★★★★★

Non-free packages installed on mike-Aspire-5733Z

adobe-flash-properties-kde KDE control panel Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11 adobe-flashplugin Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11 rar Archiver for .rar files skype Wherever you are, wherever they are snmp-mibs-downloader Install and manage Management Information Base (MIB) f unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)

Non-free packages with status other than installed on mike-Aspire-5

opera-developer ( dei) Fast and secure web browser skype-bin ( dei) client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging se

mbivanyuk ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от x3al
Pash - Copyright (C) Pash Contributors. License: GPL/BSD. See

PASH /home/user> vrms
               Non-free packages installed on primus

amd-clinfo                          AMD OpenCL info utility
amd-opencl-icd                      AMD OpenCL ICD
amd64-microcode                     Processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs
fglrx-atieventsd                    events daemon for the non-free ATI/AMD RadeonHD displa
fglrx-modules-dkms                  dkms module source for the non-free ATI/AMD RadeonHD d
firmware-linux                      Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kerne
firmware-linux-nonfree              Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kerne
firmware-realtek                    Binary firmware for Realtek wired and wireless network
intel-microcode                     Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs
libfglrx                            non-free ATI/AMD RadeonHD display driver (runtime libr
libfglrx-amdxvba1                   AMD XvBA (X-Video Bitstream Acceleration) runtime libr
libgl1-fglrx-glx                    proprietary libGL for the non-free ATI/AMD RadeonHD di

   Non-free packages with status other than installed on primus

amd-libopencl1                      ( dei)  AMD OpenCL ICD Loader library
amd-opencl-icd-legacy               ( dei)  AMD OpenCL ICD (legacy)
fglrx-control                       ( dei)  control panel for the non-free ATI/AMD RadeonH
fglrx-driver                        ( dei)  non-free ATI/AMD RadeonHD display driver
libnvidia-compiler                  ( dei)  NVIDIA runtime compiler library
nvidia-opencl-common                ( dei)  NVIDIA OpenCL driver
nvidia-opencl-icd                   ( dei)  NVIDIA OpenCL ICD

               Contrib packages installed on primus

flashplugin-nonfree                 Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin
glx-alternative-fglrx               allows the selection of FGLRX as GLX provider
glx-alternative-mesa                allows the selection of MESA as GLX provider
glx-diversions                      prepare for using accelerated GLX implementations from
iucode-tool                         Intel processor microcode tool
nvidia-installer-cleanup            cleanup after driver installation with the nvidia-inst
xvba-va-driver                      XvBA-based backend for VA API (AMD fglrx implementatio

  19 non-free packages, 0.6% of 3233 installed packages.
  7 contrib packages, 0.2% of 3233 installed packages.

драйвер от нвидии и флэш

Pyzia ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Ghostwolf

вот именно, говно он.

// а я соврал, у меня шрифты из мака и венды


рач на лаптопе:

fil@pony ~ $ vrms 
archlinux-wallpaper: ['CCPL:by-nc-sa']
qbittorrent: ['custom GPL2']
ttf-ms-fonts: ['custom:microsoft']

Non-free packages: 3

However, there are 228 ambiguously licensed packages that vrms cannot certify.

десктоп показывать стесняюсь

xfilx ★★

Почти весь софт, который я установил (не считая homebrew и того, что через него устанавливается), несвободный,потому что он обладает более широкой функциональностью, гораздо более продуманным интерфейсом и недосягаемой для свободного ПО стабильностью.

slyjoeh ★★★★

А ведро у тебя libre?

buddhist ★★★★★

И что, ни у кого в треде не установлены какие-нибудь make-doc или gcc-doc? Их в Debian считают non-dfsg.

kim-roader ★★

Куча несвободных программ лежит в /my/opt. Ничего из них не видно. Совсем не Столман

stevejobs ★★★★☆
Ответ на: комментарий от grem

может к бинарной сборке с оф. сайта это относится и к «дополнениям»

Бинарная сборка с сайта не соответствует по функционалу исходникам, которые выкладывает оракуль.
virtualbox ose и bin разные вещи. В bin поддерживается проброс usb, например.

takino ★★★★★

У меня большинство несвободных программ в ~/wine_c, и про них vrms не знает.

redgremlin ★★★★★
λ desktop ~ → vrms
              Non-free packages installed on desktop

libfaac0                            AAC audio encoder (library)
manpages-posix                      Manual pages about using POSIX system
manpages-posix-dev                  Manual pages about using a POSIX system for developmen
skype                               Wherever you are, wherever they are
teamviewer                          TeamViewer (Remote Control Application)
unrar                               Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)

               Contrib packages installed on desktop

flashplugin-installer               Adobe Flash Player plugin installer
ttf-mscorefonts-installer           Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts

  6 non-free packages, 0.2% of 2773 installed packages.
  2 contrib packages, 0.1% of 2773 installed packages.
theNamelessOne ★★★★★

У меня макось, и я neither know nor care что там в системе швабодно, а что нет.

Miguel ★★★★★
            Non-free packages installed on alix-laptop

adobe-flash-properties-kde          KDE control panel Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11
adobe-flashplugin                   Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11
broadcom-sta-dkms                   dkms source for the Broadcom STA Wireless driver
opera                               Fast and secure web browser and Internet suite
oracle-java8-installer              Oracle Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 8
oracle-java8-set-default            Set Oracle JDK 8 as default Java
skype                               Wherever you are, wherever they are
teamviewer                          TeamViewer (Remote Control Application)
unrar                               Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)

 Non-free packages with status other than installed on alix-laptop

oracle-java6-installer              ( dei)  Oracle Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6

             Contrib packages installed on alix-laptop

b43-fwcutter                        utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware
firmware-b43-installer              firmware installer for the b43 driver
ttf-mscorefonts-installer           Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
virtualbox-4.3                      Oracle VM VirtualBox
winetricks                          Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (winetricks)

  11 non-free packages, 0.5% of 2387 installed packages.
  5 contrib packages, 0.2% of 2387 installed packages.
alix ★★★★
Non-free packages installed on debian

firmware-realtek                    Binary firmware for Realtek wired and wireless network
libgl1-nvidia-glx                   NVIDIA binary OpenGL libraries
libnvidia-ml1                       NVIDIA Management Library (NVML) runtime library
nvidia-alternative                  allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX provider
nvidia-driver                       NVIDIA metapackage
nvidia-glx                          transition to nvidia-driver
nvidia-kernel-3.2.0-4-amd64         NVIDIA binary kernel module for Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64
nvidia-kernel-dkms                  NVIDIA binary kernel module DKMS source
nvidia-vdpau-driver                 NVIDIA vdpau driver
openttd-opensfx                     sound set for use with the OpenTTD game
opera                               Fast and secure web browser and Internet suite
skype                               Wherever you are, wherever they are
unrar                               Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
virtualbox-guest-additions          transitional package for virtualbox-guest-additions-is
virtualbox-guest-additions-iso      guest additions iso image for VirtualBox
xserver-xorg-video-nvidia           NVIDIA binary Xorg driver

   Non-free packages with status other than installed on debian

libxvmcnvidia1                      ( dei)  NVIDIA binary XvMC library

               Contrib packages installed on debian

flashplugin-nonfree                 Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin
glx-alternative-mesa                allows the selection of MESA as GLX provider
glx-alternative-nvidia              allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX provider
glx-diversions                      prepare for using accelerated GLX implementations from
libxnvctrl0                         NV-CONTROL X extension (runtime library)
nvidia-installer-cleanup            cleanup after driver installation with the nvidia-inst
nvidia-kernel-common                NVIDIA binary kernel module support files
nvidia-settings                     tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
nvidia-support                      NVIDIA binary graphics driver support files
nvidia-xconfig                      X configuration tool for non-free NVIDIA drivers
ttf-mscorefonts-installer           Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts

  17 non-free packages, 0.9% of 1928 installed packages.
  11 contrib packages, 0.6% of 1928 installed packages.

О как много!

Polugnom ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Gotf

With version 4.0, there is only one version any more, which is open source, and the closed-source components have been moved to a separate extension pack.

Ну клево тогда, чо, значит установленный вирталбокс вполне себе свободен тоже.

takino ★★★★★
[unnamed-PC]:~$ vrms
No non-free or contrib packages installed on PC!  rms would be proud.
Unnamed ★★
Ответ на: комментарий от TheAnonymous


Разве не швабодка?

не знаю. Я вообще забыл про него, ставил когда-то на пробу.

dikiy ★★☆☆☆

Medusa4 (надо бы снести)
Google Chrome
Opera Developer
VirtualBox Extension Pack
Steam (ХЗ зачем оно установлено)
Может, ещё фирмвари какие.

carasin ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: carasin (всего исправлений: 1)
Вы не можете добавлять комментарии в эту тему. Тема перемещена в архив.