I found this while surfing. Charles Petzold dives deep into what the VisualStudio IDE has done for us in the past 10 years and what we might see in the future.
[Talking about IntelliSense]… And I think it’s making us dumber. Instead of finding out exactly the method I need, or instead of trying to remember an elusive property name, I find myself scrolling through the possibilities that IntelliSense provides, looking for a familiar name, or at least something that seems like it might do the job.
I feel the same way. I loved VisualStudio the first time I tried it and I couldn’t believe the amount of time it saved me. I used it in VB and C++ and I moved right into C# when .NET came out. I have written a bunch of code in VisualStudio over the years, but now that I’m involved in Mono more and more, I’m on my Linux desktop more then ever. The first time I opened up a text editor to start writing C# without VS was almost painful.
It was simply amazing how dependent I found myself on it. I couldn’t remember basics. I realized I used to InteliSense my way to everything and couldn’t remember exactly where anything was. The lack of color coding was a little confusing right off but I quickly learned how to get around that and set that up in VI. I challenged myself to write a relatively simple application without intelisence and see how far I would get in an hour and when I was done, I barely had 2 classes. I kept it up and picked up things naturally. I started to learn how to navigate MSDN/Monodoc in a few seconds and how Google was the best at finding more complete answer then what Intelisense tells me. I was also shocked to find myself writing out a bunch of stuff that VS did for me. I got to learn the compiler, library signing, and all the ins and outs of deployment. It brought my understanding so much farther in such a little amount of time. I also found out that I had done somethings completely wrong in the past, just being blind to what was going on infront of me.

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