Qualifications: unix programmer/system engineer, 5+ years of experience. (very prefered non-full work week or gradual(step-by-step) crossing to full week) Education:Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine 1997-2001: Bachelor diploma in electroengineering 2001-2002: Specialist diploma in electroengineering Employment: 2000-2002:State Design Bureau "Iskra" (http://www.iskra.zp.ua); position:technician-designer, 1st category Reason for Leaving:Mode of security, Low salary Projects and Role: 1)realtime debugger for hi-perfomance realtime clusters BittWare HammerHead-6U; role: implementation as C++ library and delphi component code for extract and parse debug information from binary executables (ELF) 2)program for automatic creation memory architecture file for platform ADSP-2106x. Role: making algorithm and fully implamentation in pascal 3)more other small algorithmic projects implemented in C++/Object Pascal/Assemblers role: fully implementaion 2002-2004:Zaporizhzhya aircraft college position:Techer of electronic and computer sciences Reason for Leaving:Low salary, bureaucratism Projects and Role: 1)Lectures(circuit-engineering of embedded computers, design of digital devices and some others) 2)Linux application server and diskless workplace for education purposes role:fully implementation based on RedHat 7.3
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