Индия отказывается http://m.in.rbth.com/economics/2015/05/21/india_refuses_to_participate_in_rus...
India has lost interest in the Russian project for the soil sample taking at the south pole of the Moon with the use of the Luna-27 station, the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) reported on Thursday.
«Taking into account the RAS Space Research Institute information about the Indian specialists loss of interest in the Luna-27 project, Roscosmos [Russia’s Federal Space Agency] is advised to agree with the Indian side on the issue of exclusion of the Indian ‘mini rover’ from the payload of Luna-Resurs-1 project [new project name - Luna-27],» says the Council’s decision.
Китай и Россия будут стандартизировать космическую индустрию
Russia and China have begun joint work with the aim to devise a set of unified standards to be used in manufacturing space technologies, including those crucial to a future manned mission to the Moon, a space industry source told TASS on Monday.
«The sides have agreed to begin cooperation beyond low-Earth orbits, including manned lunar programmes. The mode of such cooperation and its guidelines are still to be negotiated,» the source said.
The two sides will analyse issues of standardisation in the sphere of manned flights. They will develop standards for docking units, electrical connectors and spacecraft atmosphere. A special working group will be set up for that purpose, the source added.
TASS has no official confirmation of these plans yet.
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19 апреля 2017 г.

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